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Authors Beginning "Na..." Authors Beginning "Ne..." Authors Beginning "Ni..." Authors Beginning "No..." Authors Beginning "Nu..." Authors Beginning "Ny..."

Authors Beginning "Na..."

Dmitri Nabokov: son of Vladimir Nabokov * "The Dashing Fellow" (1971) [Playboy Stories: The Best of Forty Years of Short Fiction, ed. Alice K. Turner, 1994] Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977): Major novelist, short story author, poet, teacher, critic, entomologist/lepidopterist, who wrote primarily in English after roughly 1940, although fluent in (and writing in) Russian, German, French, and English; born in RUSSIA resident in U.S.A. (1940-1959); resident in Switzerland (1959-1977): Vladimir Nabokov Various of his novels, short stories, plays, and poems have either Fantasy, anti-Fantasy, Science Fiction, or anti-Science Fiction elements {details to be done} (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.677) William Nabors: isfdb lists: Short Fiction: * "The State of Ultimate Peace" [Fantastic, Mar 1974; Study War No More, ed. Joe Haldeman, St. Martin's Press, 1977] ISBN 0-312-77315-3, $8.95, hardcover * "Goodbye Joe Quietwater - Hello!" [Fantastic, June 1975] * "... As American As ..." [New Worlds 10, ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1976] ISBN 0-552-10182-6, ú0.60, paperback * "Miasmas - A Life Term" [Fantastic, Feb 1977] * "Where's the Luck?" [Realms Of Fantasy, Dec 1996] Pierce Nace: * Eat Them Alive [Manor, 1977] Abu Nadaar, pseudonym of E. R. Morrough Sylvie Nadeau: Science Fiction illustrator Sylvie Nadeau Matt Nadelhaft: science fiction book reviewer, 1997 and 1998 A. A. Nadir: pseudonym of Achmed Abdullah (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.677) Maggie Nadler: isfdb lists: Short Fiction: * "The Secret" [Clarion, ed. Robin Scott Wilson, Signet, 1971] paperback * The Pill [Fantastic, Apr 1972; You and Science Fiction, ed. Bernard C. Hollister, National Textbook Co., 1976 ] trade paperback * Latest Feature [Amazing, May 1972; 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories, eds. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander, Doubleday, 1978 ] hardcover and paperback Amyas Naegele: isfdb lists: Short Fiction: * "The Rise and Fall of Father Alex [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Jan 1986] Nominated for 1987 World fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction Bill Naegels: SF illustrator Bill Naegels @isfdb Kazumasa Nagai: SF illustrator Kazumasa Nagai @isfdb Linda Nagata: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Linda Nagata Novels of Linda Nagata excerpts and reviews of the following: * Vast [Bantam Spectra, August 1998] ISBN 0-553-57630-5) * Deception Well [Bantam Spectra, Feb 1997] ISBN 0-553-57629-1 * The Bohr Maker [Bantam Spectra, April 1995] ISBN 0-553-56925-2 Winner of the 1996 Locus Award for Best First Novel Nanotechnology fiction at its best * Tech-Heaven [Bantam Spectra, Nov 1995] ISBN 0-553-56926-2 Short Fiction: * "Spectral Expectations" [Analog, Apr 1987] * "Career Decision" [Analog, Oct 1988] * "In the Tide" [Analog, Sep 1989] * "Small Victories" [Analog, Sep 1993] * "Liberator" [Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1993] * "Old Mother" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Apr 1995] * "Hooks, Nets, and Time" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Aug 1997] * "The Bird Catcher's Children" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Jan 1997] e-mail Linda Nagata e-mail Linda Nagata old, invalid? Bart Nagel: * Cyberpunk Handbook [1995] co-authors R. U. Sirius, St.Jude; nonfiction Edmund Nagele (1942-): Germany-born Fantasy illustrator: Edmund Nagele @isfdb Pati Nagle: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Pati Nagle Short Fiction: * "Pygmalion 3.0" [Infinite Loop: Stories About the Future by the People Creating It, ed. Larry Constantine, Miller Freeman, 1993] ISBN 0-87930-298-4 * "Coyote Ugly" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Apr 1994] * "Emancipation" [The Williamson Effect, ed. Roger Zelazny, Tor, 1996] ISBN 0-312-85748-9 e-mail Pati Nagle e-mail Pati Nagle old, invalid e-mail Pati Nagle old, invalid Myles Na Gopaleen, pseudonym of B. O'Nolan Al Nagy: Science Fiction illustrator of 1960s Al Nagy @ isfdb Ed Naha: essayist on the Hollywood scene in SF, Fantasy, and Horror de Naharro, Science Fiction illustrator: de Naharro @isfdb Paul J. Nahin: Professor of Electrical Engineering and sometime SF author. Nonfiction: * Time Travel [American Institute of Physics Press; Writer's Digest, 1997] 0-89879-748-9 The single indespensible book on Time Travel Which I can wholeheartedly endorse, having bought 2 copies and used it as a textbook for teaching the subject half a dozen times to enthusiastic students of average age 65... Short Fiction: * "Publish and Perish" [Analog, Apr 1978] * "What Really Caused the Energy Crisis" [Analog, July 1978] * "Reunion" [Analog, Apr 1979] * "A Quiet, Rainy Afternoon" [Analog, July 1979] * "Qualification Test" [Analog, Dec 1979] * "Old Friends Across Time" [Analog, May 1979] * "Newton's Gift" [Omni, Jan 1979] * "The Man in the Gray Weapons Suit" [Day of the Tyrant, ed. Jerry Pournelle and John F. Carr, Tor, 1985] ISBN 0-812-50066-0 * "The Language Clarifier" [Omni, May 1979] * "Rings of Death" [Analog, Jun 1980] * "A Father's Gift" [Omni, Aug 1980] * "The Box" [Omni, Jan 1980] * "Security Blanket" [Analog, 30 March 1981] * "The Next Time Around" [Twilight Zone Magazine, Aug 1981] * "The Infinite Plane" [Omni, Apr 1981] * "Archival Voice" [Analog, Feb 1984] * "Twisters" [Analog, May 1988] Ted Naifeh: Science Fiction illustrator: Ted Naifeh @ isfdb Sadao Naito: Science Fiction illustrator: * Cover art for [Omni, Mar 1981] Sadao Naito @isfdb Naked Lunch: (1) William Burroughs novel [1959]; (2) see Science Fiction movies [1991] {film hotlink to be done} Robin J. Nakkula, full name Robin June Nakkula: isfdb lists: Short Fiction: * "State Road" [Christmas Ghosts, eds. Mike Resnick, Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1993] co-author Alan Dormire ISBN 0-88677-586-8, $5.50 ($6.50), paperback Poetry: * "House Haunted" [Weird Tales, special Jonathan Carroll issue, vol.52, no.2, whole no.299, Winter 1990/1991] David F. Nalle: Fantasy author and poet; isfdb lists: Short Fiction: * "Maggie and Malkin" [Eldritch Tales, no.17, 1988] Poetry: * "Invitation to the Dance" [Eldritch Tales, no.18, 1989] Names: see "Magic Words"; see "True Names" by Vernor Vinge Ron Nance, science fiction author who died 1993 Robert Nansel: isfdb lists: Short Fiction: * "The Next Best Thing" [Pulphouse, no.19, 1995] Nankao No Daiketto: a.k.a. Ebirah, Terror of the Deep ; see Godzilla movies [1966] Donna Jo Napoli: novelist: * Zel [New York: Dutton, 1996] ISBN 0-525-45612-0, $15.99, hardcover Joel Naprstek: Science Fiction/Fantasy illustrator of late 1990s: Joel Naprstek @isfdb Narrenschiff: German for "Ship of Fools" Jonathan Nasaw: isfdb lists: Novels: * The World on Blood [New English Library, 1996] ISBN 0-340-67447-4, ú5.99, paperback [London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1996] ISBN 0-340-67446-6, ú16.99, hardcover [1996, Science Fiction Book Club #10982, 1996] $10.98, hardcover [Penguin/Dutton, 1996] ISBN 0-525-94066-9, $22.95, hardcover [Penguin/Signet, 1997] ISBN 0-451-18658-3, $6.99, paperback * Shadows [Penguin, 1997] ISBN 0-525-94065-0, $24.95, hardcover R. C. Nascimento: important in the history of Science Fiction fandom in BRAZIL, as founder of CLFC (Clube de Leitores de Ficcao Cientifica) (Science Fiction Readers Club) Alanna Nash: isfdb lists: * "Paren" [Midnight Zoo, Jan 1991] nonfiction Ogden Nash (19 Aug 1902-19 May 1971) American poet/editor/publisher, best known as major figure in humorous verse, also worked with S. J. Perelman on the fantasy musical "One Touch of Venus", listed here for his fantasy poem "The Christmas that Almost Wasn't" [Boston: Little Brown, 1957] Jamil Nasir: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Novels: * Quasar [Bantam Spectra, 1995] ISBN 0-553-56886-8 * The Higher Space [[Bantam Spectra, 1996 ISBN 0-553-56887-6 Short Fiction: * "The Darkness Beyond" [Aboriginal Science Fiction, May/Jun 1988] * "Not Even Ashes" [Interzone, Sep/Oct 1989] * "The Book of St. Farrin" [Universe 1, ed. Robert Silverberg and Karen Haber, [1990, Doubleday Foundation,1990] ISBN 0-385-26771-1 * "The Allah Stairs" [Tales of the Unanticipated, Spring/Fall 1990] * "Mr. and Mrs. David Smith" [Tales of the Unanticipated, Spring/Fall 1991] * "Sunlight" [Aboriginal Science Fiction, Fall 1992] * "The Heaven Tree" [Isaac Asimov's, Feb 1992] * "A Trace of Kindness" [Aboriginal Science Fiction, Fall 1993] * "Sleepers Awake" [Isaac Asimov's, July 1993] * "My Informant Zardon" [Interzone, Aug 1993] * "The Lord of Sleep" [Isaac Asimov's, Dec 1994] * "Black Memes" [Universe 3, ed. Karen Haber and Robert Silverberg, Bantam, 1994] ISBN 0-553-56580-X * "Pine Needle Whiskey" Tomorrow SF, June 1995] e-mail Jamil Nasir Muriel Nasser: Science Fiction illustrator: Muriel Nasser @isfdb Vincent Nasta: Science Fiction illustrator: Vincent Nasta @isfdb Maria Michaela Nastasia: Science Fiction illustrator: Maria Michaela Nastasia @isfdb Francine de Natale, pseudonym of Barry N. Malzberg Vince Natale: Fantasy/Horror illustrator: Vince Natale @isfdb Daniel Nathan, pseudonym of Frederic Dannay Robert [Gruntal] Nathan (2 Jan 1894-1985) American lawyer/teacher/painter/ musician/poet/novelist with a SF play in The Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy ("A Pride of Carrots, or, Venus Well Served", Dec 1959) and at least 14 of his 40+ novels are science fiction or fantasy, including: * Autumn [1921] supernatural pastoral * Jonah [1925] biblical Fantasy * The Bishop's Wife [1928] angel/sex * Mr.Whittle and the Morning Star [1947] supernatural * The River Journey [1949] supernatural * The Married Look [1950] Time epistomology * The Innocent Eve [1951] Satan seeks atomic bomb * The Wilderness Stone [1960] Time epistomology * The Devil with Love [1963] see "Faust" * The Fair [New York: Knopf, 1964] Arthurian/magical fantasy see King Arthur * The Mallot Diaries [New York: Knopf, 1965] Neanderthals alive today see: LOST LANDS/LOST RACE * Portrait of Jennie [New York: Knopf, 1940] Time epistomology, filmed by Selznick in 1949 {Hotlink to be done} * So Love Returns [New York: Knopf, 1958] magical substitute wife, Time epistomology * The Weans [Harper's Magazine, 1956; New York: Knopf, 1960] sociological satire, our civilization misunderstood by future archaeologist (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.678-679) I. R. Nathanson, full name Isaac R. Nathanson: Short Fiction: * "The Falling Planetoid" [Science Wonder Stories, Apr 1930] * "The Antarctic Transformation" [Amazing Stories, Nov 1931] * "Moon People of Jupiter" [Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring 1931] Terry Nation: * Survivors [Coward-McCann, 1976] Peter Naujack, anthologist in Germany (?) "Roboter" (Zurich: Diogenes, 1962) Nikolay Naumenko: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Editor-in-Chief, AST Moscow, Russia Michael Nava: Gay Science Fiction novelist: Books: * Goldenboy [1988] winner of 1989 Lambda Award for Gay Men's Mystery/Science Fiction Nonfiction: * "Created Equal: Why Gay Rights Matter to America" [1994] co-author Robert Dawidoff Dayna Navaro: Fantasy/Erotic illustrator: Dayna Navaro @isfdb Yvonne Navarro: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America; Member of Horror Writers of America Yvonne Novels: * Afterage [Bantam, 1993] ISBN 0-553-56358-0 * deadrush [Bantam, 1995] ISBN 0-553-56359-9 * Species [Bantam UK, 1995] Novelization of film {hotlink to be done} ISBN 0-553-50389-8 * Aliens: Music of the Spears [Bantam Books, 1996; Millennium, 1997] ISBN 1-85798-486-2 * Final Impact [Bantam, 1997] ISBN 0-553-56360-2 Short Fiction: * "Zachary's Glass Shoppe" [Deathrealm, Fall/Winter 1989] * "Memories" [Pulphouse, No.7: Spring 1990] * "Feeding the Masses" [Eldritch Tales, Summer 1992] * "AfterAge (Excerpt)" [The Silver Web, Winter/Spring 1993] * "Touch Me" [Selling Venus, ed. Cecilia Tan, Circlet Press, 1995] ISBN 1-885865-05-8 * "This House" [100 Wicked Little Witch Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg, and Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995] ISBN 1-56619-762-7 , $7.98, hc] * "Folds of the Faithful" [100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg, and Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995] ISBN 1-56619-558-6 * "Dead Times" (excerpt) [Palace Corbie Volume Six, Merrimack Books, 1996] ISBN 1-888283-03-3 * "The Best Years of My Life" [100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg, and Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995] ISBN 1-56619-558-6 * "Pictures Within" [White Knuckles, #5, 1996] * "One Among Millions" [The Many Faces of Fantas, ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention 1996] e-mail Yvonne Navarro e-mail Yvonne Navarro old, invalid The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey: see Science Fiction movies [1988] New Zealand/Australian production {film hotlink to be done} Janet Nay: isfdb lists an unpublished story "Las Animas" -- how do they know? Nicholas Nayfack (1909-1958) American film producer of "Forbidden Planet" {hotlink to be done} Ray Nayler: isfdb lists: * "The Ropes of the Lasso Inn" [Deathrealm, Winter 1996] Charles Naylor: author, anthologist: isfdb lists: Anthologies Edited: * New Constellations: An Anthology of Tomorrow's Mythologies (co-anthologist Thomas M. Disch) [Harper & Row, 1976] ISBN 0-06-011036-8, $8.95, hardcover * Strangeness (co-anthologist Thomas M. Disch) [Scribner's, 1978] ISBN 0-684-14899-4, $8.95, hardcover Short Fiction: * "We Are Dainty Little People [Bad Moon Rising, ed. Thomas M. Disch, Harper & Row, 1973] hardcover * "Repairing the Office" [The New Improved Sun, ed. Thomas M. Disch, Harper & Row, 1975] hardcover Miscellaneous: * Neighboring Lives (co-author Thomas M. Disch) [Johns Hopkins, 1991] $13.95, trade paperback, not science fiction Gloria Naylor: novelist: * Mama Day [Ticknor & Fields, 1988] $17.95 Ramon Naylor: Fantasy/SF illustrator active late 1940s-early 1950s: Ramon Naylor @isfdb Steven Naylor: isfdb lists: * "I Drive Us Home" [Aberrations, July 1995] Vera Nazarian: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Vera Nazarian Short Fiction: * "Wound on the Moon" [Sword and Sorceress II, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1985] ISBN 0-88677-041-6 * "Kihar" [Red Sun of Darkover, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1987] ISBN 0-88677-230-3 * "The Jackal" [Four Moons of Darkover, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1988] ISBN 0-88677-305-9 * "The Starry King" [Sword and Sorceress VI, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1990] ISBN * "A Thing of Love" [Sword And Sorceress VII, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1990] ISBN 0-88677-457-8 * "The Balance" [Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Summer 1990] * "Danila's Song" [Renunciates of Darkover, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1991] ISBN 0-88677-469-1 * "A Dance for Darkover" [Leroni of Darkover, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1991] ISBN 0-88677-494-2 * "Beauty and His Beast" [Sword and Sorceress VIII, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1991] ISBN 0-88677-486-1 * "Bonds of Light" [Sword and Sorceress X, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1993] ISBN 0-88677-552-3 * "The Stone Face, the Giant, and the Paradox" [Sword And Sorceress XII ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1995] ISBN 0-8677-657-0 Vera e-mail Vera Nazarian newest address e-mail Vera Nazarian, preferred address e-mail Vera Nazarian old address, she preferes that you NOT use it James Nazz: Fantasy illustrator active in early 1980s: James Nazz @isfdb The Nazz: theological comic monologue about Jesus the Nazarine by Lord Buckley Return to Authors N Table of Contents Return to AUTHORS Table of Contents

Authors Beginning "Ne..."

Gavin Neal, pseudonym of E. C. Tubb H. C. Neal: isfdb lists: * "Who Shall Dwell..." [The Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ed. Anonymous, Chicago, Illinois: Playboy Press, 1966] $0.95, hardcover Harry Neal, pseudonym of Jerome Bixby Lawrence Neal: isfdb lists: * "The Rationalization of Pragmatic Time" [Vertex, Dec 1973] nonfiction Arthur Neale, weird anthologist: * The Great Weird Stories [New York: Duffield, 1929] H. Nearing, full name Homer Nearing (15 Apr 1915-?): American professor/short story author of the "Professor Cleanth Penn Ransom" series in The Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy, and "The Sinister Researches of C. P. Ransom" [New York: Doubleday, 1954; Science Fiction Book Club; Curtis] 9 stories Rebecca Neason: * Star Trek: The Next Generation No.27: Guises of the Mind [Pocket Books] "Long John" Nebel (11 Jun 1911-?) radio/TV talk show host/auctioneer/band leader/musician. A friend of my father (Samuel H. Post), Long John's popular show on WOR radio and WOR-TV featured as its most frequent guest Frederick Pohl. Richard Nebiolo: science fiction illustrator, active in mid-1970s: Richard Nebiolo @isfdb Necromancy: telling the future by consulting the spirits of the dead; two to five millennia ago this was not Black Magic as such (i.e. Odysseus and the shade of Tiresias, or the woman who practices necromancy for King Saul with the spirit of Samuel); but within the past two millennia this activity is politically incorrect, and the woman referred to in Samuel is now called "The Witch of Endor" -- the only witch mentioned by name in the Bible, indicating that this term has slipped from Fantasy into Horror... Necronomicon: see H. P. Lovecraft Needful Things: (1) Stephen King novel [1991]; (2) Fantasy/Horror movie [1993] Linda Needham: Linda Needham Jacob Needleman: Fantasy novelist: * Sorcerers [Mercury House, 1986] ISBN 0-916515-10-9, $16.95, hardcover Elton T. Neef, pseudonym of Robert L. Fanthorpe Elton T. Neefe, pseudonym of Robert L. Fanthorpe Henry Neele: 19th Century fantasist: * "The Magician's Visitor" (1828) [Tales of the Wandering Jew, ed. Brian Stableford, Dedalus, 1991] ISBN 0-946626-71-5, ú8.99, trade paperback Cary Neeper, pseudonym of Carolyn Neeper: * A Place Beyond Man [Scribners, 1975; Dell] Glenn R[obert] Negley (5 Nov 1907-?) American philosophy professor/ department chairman; epistimology "The Organization of Knowledge" (hint to Yahoo! and other organizers of knowledge, read this) and marvellously thorough "The Quest for Utopia" (New York: Schuman, 1952). See Utopia for more on the subject. Andrew Neiderman (1940-): Horror/Dark Fantasy novelist; Locus/Contento lists: * Garden of Shadows [1987] Andrew Neiderman completed this novel when the original author, Virginia C. Andrews, died * Imp [Arrow, Feb 1986] ISBN 0-09-942480-0, ú1.95, 314pp, paperback Horror * Love Child [Tor, Nov 1986] ISBN 0-812-52312-1, $3.95, 319pp, paperback, Horror modern teenaged Jekyll and Hyde, "half-human, half-Amazon" * The Maddening [as "Playmates", Berkley, 1987; Berkley, Mar 1995] ISBN 0-425-09898-2, $5.50, 312pp, Horror, movie tie-in edition. * The Need [Putnam, May 1992] ISBN 0-399-13729-7, $21.95, 271pp, hardcover Horror, secret vampire androgynes able to change sex [Berkley, May 1993] ISBN 0-425-13662-0, $4.99, 282pp, paperback * Night Howl [Pocket, June 1986] ISBN 0-671-60634-4, $3.50, 277pp, paperback Horror [Severn House, Jan 1987] ISBN 0-7278-1435-4, ú9.95, 320pp, hardcover [Arrow, June 1987] ISBN 0-09-949680-1, ú2.50, 277pp, paperback * Perfect Little Angels [Berkley, Sep 1989] ISBN 0-425-11775-8, $3.95, 262pp, paperback, Horror/Science Fiction/Psychological town where teenagers are perfect [i.e. like "Stepford Wives] [Severn House, Nov 1990] ISBN 0-7278-4150-5, ú12.99, 262pp, hardcover * Pin [Pocket, 1981; Legend, Oct 1989] ISBN 0-09-927460-4, ú3.50, 264pp, paperback Horror * Playmates [Arrow 0-09-955160-8, Aug '88, ú2.99, 312pp, pb) Reprint (Berkley 1987) horror novel. [First U.K. edition] * Reflection [Worldwide, Dec 1987] ISBN 0-373-50605-8, ú2.95, 378pp, paperback Supernatural/Romance [Severn House, Oct 1993] ISBN 0-7278-4539-X, ú14.99, 378pp, hardcover * Sight Unseen [Zebra, Apr 1987] ISBN 0-8217-2038-4, $3.95, 283pp, paperback Horror * Sister, Sister [Berkley, Jan 1992] ISBN 0-425-12846-6, $4.99, 292pp, paperback Horror Siamese twins students with uncanny powers [Legend, Sep 1992] ISBN 0-09-979600-7, ú4.99, 292pp, paperback * Surrogate Child [Berkley, Aug 1988] ISBN 0-425-10989-5, $3.95, 294pp, paperback Horror [Legend, Oct 1989] ISBN 0-09-962100-2, ú3.50, 294pp, paperback Derrick Neill, SF Author of "Adventures In Spacetime," an action-packed sci-fi novel for all ages about a 'dinosauroid star pilot' who accidentally winds up on present-day Earth--with drastic consequences for the entire planet! Derrick NeillÑ e-mail Derrick Neill, author link e-mail Derrick Neill, care of website's Darin Neill Book info: ISBN- 0897541294 Title- Adventures In Spacetime Author- Neill, Derrick Author email- e-mail Derrick Neill Publisher- Dan River Press Library of Congress- 96-70643 Publisher email- e-mail publisher Contact- Bob Olmsted, Editor Distributor- Tal San Distributing Contact- Sandi Lloyd Distributor phone- (602)843-1119 Distributor FAX- (602)843-3080 John R. Neill: (see L. Frank Baum); Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * Lucky Bucky in Oz [Reilly & Lee, 1942; Books of Wonder, Nov 1992] ISBN 0-929605-17-9, $24.95, 289pp, hardcover, John R. Neill cover art Children's Fantasy novel with L. Frank Baum's characters facsimile edition includes John R. Neill illustrations * The Scalawagons in Oz [Reilly & Lee, 1941; Books of Wonder, Oct 1991] ISBN 0-929605-12-8, $24.95, 309pp, hardcover, John R. Neill cover art Children's Fantasy novel with L. Frank Baum's characters facsimile edition includes John R. Neill illustrations Order from: Books of Wonder 132 Seventh Ave. New York NY 10011 Robert Neill: * Witch Bane [London: Hutchison, 1967] Occult Dark Fantasy [Inner Circle, Aug 1987] ISBN 1-85018-066-0, ú9.50, 224pp, hardcover [Arrow, Sep 1987] ISBN 0-09-907710-8, ú2.50, 224pp, paperback * Mist Over Pendle [Hutchinson, 1951; Arrow, June 1987] ISBN 0-09-906780-3, ú2.95, 384pp, paperback, Dark Fantasy/Witchcraft Eric Neilson: Locus Contento lists: * "Haakon" Historical/Action/Adventure/Fantasy series (Vikings + Indians): * Haakon #1: The Golden Ax [Bantam, Apr 1984] ISBN 0-553-23639-3, $2.50, paperback * Haakon #2: The Viking's Revenge [Bantam, Apr 1984] ISBN 0-553-23924-4, $2.50, 213pp, paperback + glossary. * Haakon #3: Haakon's Iron Hand [Bantam, Sep 1984] ISBN 0-553-24368-3, $2.50, 200pp, paperback * Haakon #4: the War God [Bantam, Dec 1984] ISBN 0-553-24541-4, $2.95, paperback Ingrid Neilson: Ingrid Neilson @ Dragon*Con ink/watercolor fantasist Robert Neilson: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * Without Honour [Albedo One Publications, Nov 1997] no ISBN, ú3.50, 83pp, 7 stories + Maggie Furey introduction + Alan Casey illustrations Order from: Albedo One Publications 2, Post Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland e-mail Albedo One Publications Anne E. Neimark: Locus/Contento lists: * Myth Maker: J.R.R. Tolkien [Harcourt Brace, Sep 1996] ISBN 0-15-298847-5, $17.00, 118pp, hardcover Young Adult biography + index + bibliography + listing of related groups and publications; see "J.R.R. Tolkien" in this web domain for hotlinks A[lbert] F[rancis] J[oseph] H[oratio] Nelson, 6th Earl Nelson (2 Sep 1890-23 Jun 1957) British scientist/author/ gentleman/lecturer/astronomer/anthropologist involved in Australian and Asian mining ventures, best known for nonfiction including: * Life and the Universe [London: Staples, 1953] * There is Life On Mars [London: Laurie, 1955] i.e. vegetation... Al P. Nelson: isfdb lists: * "Holy City of Mars" [Fantastic Adventures, May 1942] co-author Ralph Milne Farley Alan Nelson (1911-1966): isfdb collated with Locus/Contento lists: * "Narapoia" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Apr 1951] (title is anagram of "Paranoia") * "Narapoia: The Origin of Narapoia" [Best from F&SF 1, eds. Anthony Boucher, J. Francis McComas, Boston: Little Brown, 1953] hardcover * "Cattivo " [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Aug 1951] * "The Gualcophone " [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Aug 1952] * "Soap Opera " [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Apr 1953; 13 Great Stories of Science Fiction, ed. Groff Conklin, London: Coronet Books, 1967] ISBN 0-340-1248-2-8, ú0.35, paperback * "Silenzia" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Sep 1953] * "The Shopdropper" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Jan 1955; Great Science Fiction About Doctors, eds. Groff Conklin, Noah D. Fabricant, Collier Books, 1963] paperback * Weird Tales stories {to be done, see Locus/Contento} * Doctor Departure and Others [Gryphon Books, Mar 1989] ISBN 0-936071-10-9, $5.00, 53pp, Fantasy stories collected from "Weird Tales" and "F&SF" between 1944 and 1955; 500-copy Limited Edition Chris Nelson: Locus/Contento list: * Bob Shaw: A Working Bibliography (see co-editors Gordon Benson, Jr., Phil Stephensen-Payne; see Bob Shaw) J. Nelson: science fiction author and poet: Short Fiction: * "Once Upon a Primetime" [On Spec, Spring 1992] Poetry: * "christ must have had a helluva time as a kid" [On Spec, Fall 1991] * "Hubby's Time Machine" [On Spec, Winter 1991] Ray Faraday Nelson (3 Oct 1931-) co-author with Philp K. Dick, author of novel based on poems of William Blake, and inventor of the propellor beanie Ray Faraday Nelson, born Schenectady NY 3 Oct 1931, as Radell Faraday Nelson, son of Walter Hughes Nelson and Marie Reed, married Kirsten Enge 4 Oct 1957, son Walter Nelson, author: * The Ganymede Takeover, 1964, with Philip K. Dick * Blake's Progress [Laser, 1975] * Then Beggars Could Ride [Laser, 1976] * The Ecolog [Laser, 1977] * Revolt of the Unemployables [Anthewon, 1978] * Dimension of Horror, 1979 * The Prometheus Man, 1982 * Timequest, 1985 [Tor, Nov 1985] ISBN 0-812-54650-4, $2.95, 286pp, paperback, extensively rewritten from "Blake's Progress", featuring William Blake and wife Catherine in space/time/dimensional adventures. See "William Blake" * Virtual Zen [AvoNova, Aug 1996] ISBN 0-380-78185-9, $5.50, 220pp, paperback, Science Fiction Near-Future composer's suicide leads son to Zen revolt against complacency, Muzak, and dumbed-down tyrrany Stories in: Amazing, Nova, Weird Tales; Screenwriter: They Live, 1988 Universal Pictures (co-author) B.A. 1960 University of Chicago; freelance cartoonist 1950-55; commercial artist 1955-57 Artcraft Poster Company, Oakland CA; folksinger 1957-60 Paris; programmer 1961-64 University of California at Berkeley; freelance writer 1964-77; co-owner 1977-present Big Cat Bookstore, Albany CA; Best SF of the Year, 1963 Doubleday/Ace; Jack London Award 1983 California Writers Club Resa Nelson: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Short Fiction: * "The Next Step" [Aboriginal Science Fiction, Jan/Feb 1989] * "LovePets" [Infinite Loop: Stories About the Future by the People Creating It, ed. Larry Constantine, Miller Freeman, 1993] ISBN 0-87930-298-4 , $19.95, hc] * "The Dragonslayer's Sword" [Science Fiction Age, Nov 1992] * "The Key To Bluebeard's Heart" [Science Fiction Age, Nov 1994] * "Fennario" [Future Boston, ed. David Alexander Smith, Orb, 1994] ISBN 0-312-89028-1 * "Embracing the Arms She Must Bear" [Science Fiction Age, Sep 1994] * "The Silver Shoes" [Science Fiction Age, Mar 1996] * "Prrr..." [Keen Science Fiction!, December 1996] e-mail Resa Nelson Taylor Nelson: Taylor Nelson Ted Nelson [Theodor Nelson], son of Oscar-winners Celeste Holm and Ralph Nelson ["Charly", Twilight Zone] who invented Hypertext and Hypermedia, of which this very World Wide Web is a partial implementation. I co-implemented the first working demo of hypertext on a personal computer at the world's first Personal Computer Conference, Philadelphia, 1975' where I gave the first formal lecture on hypertext and literature and poetry. Ted Nelson recently won a lifetime achievement award (which included $10,000) at the 7th World Wide Web conference, held in Australia. Nonfiction: * "Computer Lib" [Omni, Nov 1978] really an excerpt from his self-published "Computer Lib/Dream Machines" book sort of a Whole Earth Catalog of computing, later republished in an expanded edition by Microsoft Press. Larry Nemecek: * The Star Trek the Next Generation Companion [Pocket, Nov 1992] ISBN 0-671-79460-4, $13.00, 213pp, trade paperback nonfiction episode guide [Simon & Schuster UK, Nov 1992] ISBN 0-671-79460-4, ú9.99, 214pp, trade paperback [Pocket, May 1995] ISBN 0-671-88340-2, $14.00, 339pp, trade paperback Revised/updated, now includes "Star Trek Generations" movie Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures Jim Nemeth: Member of Horror Writers of America Jim Nemeth Jim Nemeth index David L. Nemzoff: Member of Horror Writers of America David L. Nemzoff David L. Nemzoff John A. Nephew: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail John A. Nephew e-mail John A. Nephew old, invalid? Penelope Neri: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * Forever and Beyond [Zebra, Sep 1990] ISBN 0-8217-3115-7, $4.95, 480pp, paperback Romance/Time Travel modern white woman falls in love with Comanche warrior Gerard de Nerval: pseudonym of Gerard Labrunie (1808-1855): journalist and poet of FRANCE, who bridged the gap from Romanticism to Symbolism; various poems and short stories that mix Fantasy, Tarot, Alchemy, Mythology in a very high density of images and allusions E. Nesbit, Edith Nesbit [Mrs. Edith Bland] (1858-4 May 1924): British novelist and children's book author, best known for the fine Fantasy series about the "Bastable" family: * The Five Children (New York: Coward McCann, 1930) * The FIve Children and It (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1902) * The Phoenix and the Carpet (London: Macmillan, 1904) * The Story of the Amulet (New York: Dutton, 1907) * Grim Tales [1893] Horror story collection * Something Wrong [1893] Horror story collection * The House of Arden [1908] Fabian Fantasy TIME TRAVEL * Harding's Luck [1909] Fantasy TIME TRAVEL * The Magic City [1910] based on her miniatures hobby * Fear [London: S. Paul, 1910] adult weird story collection * Dormant [1911] suspended animation Romance * In the Dark [1988] Horror story collection, edited by Hugh Lamb * The Cockatoucan [London: Macdonald, 1987; Dial, Apr 1988] ISBN 0-8037-0474-7, $10.95, 31pp, hardcover Children's fantasy short story, fully illustrated by Susie Jenkin-Pearce * Whereyouwanttogoto and Other Unlikely Tales [Shambhala/Barefoot Books, Sep 1993] ISBN 1-56957-904-0, $6.00, 205pp, hardcover 5 children's Fantasy stories from "Nine Unlikely Tales for Children" [Unwin, 1901], with original H.R. Millar and Claude A. Shepperson illustrations + Jonathan Cott editor's preface Miniature edition (8x12 cm.) Short Fiction: * "Man-Size in Marble" (1893) [Forgotten Fantasy, February 1971] * "The Pavilion" (1915) [The Supernatural Reader, eds. Groff Conklin and Lucy Conklin, London: World/WDL Books, 1958; Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1953] * "Atlantis" [Fantasy Stories, ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson Children's Books, 1996] ISBN 1-85487-452-7 Reference: * A Woman of Passion: The Life of E. Nesbit See "Julia Briggs" (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.680-690) and Locus/Contento NESFA Press (New England Science Fiction Association): * The N.E.S.F.A. Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies 1983 [NESFA Press, Mar 1985] ISBN 0-915368-23-4, $5.00, 68pp, paperback nonfiction/reference/bibliography of 1983 short fiction including British anthologies but not "Interzone" see: PUBLISHERS Eric Nesheim and Leif Nesheim: Locus/Contento list: * Saucer Attack! [Kitchen Sink/General Publishing Group, Aug 1997] ISBN 1-57544-066-0, $16.95, 127pp, trade paperback nonfiction Art on pop culture during "Golden Age of Flying Saucers" in pulp magazines, (source of illustrations) + Science Fiction paperback bookss, sci-fi movie posters, toys, comics, trading cards, lunchboxes... Ron Nessen and Johanna Neuman: Ron Nessen and Johanna Neuman Joseph Nesvadba (1926-) Czech doctor/psychiatrist/translator/playwright with highly regarded science fiction fantasy short stories. See the "Countries" page in this website for more on Czech science fiction. * The Lost Face [Taplinger, 1971] 8 stories Short Fiction: * "Pirate Island" [Fantasy and Science Fiction, Feb 1962] * "The Xeenemuende Half-Wit" [Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1962] * "The Half-wit of Xeenemuende" [The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction, eds. Brian W. Aldiss and Sam J. Lundwall, Penguin, 1986] ISBN 0-14-008067-8 * "The Einstein Brain" [Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1962] * "Vampires Ltd." [World's Best SF 1965, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Ace 1965] * "The Last Secret Weapon of the Third Reich" [Annual Best SF 10, ed. Judith Merril, Mayflower-Dell, 1965, ISBN 08611-8; Delacorte] * "Captain Nemo's Last Adventure" [1973] * "The Divided Carla" [Tales from the Planet Earth, eds. Frederik Pohl and Elizabeth Anne Hull St. Martin's, 1986] ISBN 0-312-78420-1 * "The Storeroom of Lost Desire" [Interzone, Jul/Aug 1989] * "Horribly Beautiful, Beautifully Horrible" [Interzone, December 1993] NETHERLANDS Brian A. Netherwood, weird anthologist "Medley Macabre" (London: Hammond, 1966) Klaus Netzen, pseudonym of Laurence James Ryck Neube, Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America, nothing on the web? Fiction includes: * "Son of the Road" (Asimov's SF) * "TV May Rot the Brain" (Asimov's SF) * "King Moron" (Asimov's SF) Joachim Neugroschel: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * Great Tales of Jewish Occult and Fantasy: The Dybbuk and 30 Other Classic Stories [as "The Great Works of Jewish Fantasy and Occult", Cassell, 1976; Wings, July 1991] ISBN 0-517-06005-1, $14.95, 709pp, hardcover, Joachim Neugroschel's introduction + translations see ISRAEL and JEWISH SCIENCE FICTION The Neverending Story: (1) Michael Ende novel [1979]; (2) series of movies [1984, 1990; 1994] Never Land, a.k.a. Never Never Land, a.k.a Never Never Land: the setting of J. M. Barrie's play "Peter Pan" [1904] and its prose renderings and sequels; (2) see the Imaginary Lands in LOST LANDS/LOST RACE Katharine Neville (1945-): Historical Fantasist; Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * The Eight [Ballantine, Jan 1989] ISBN 0-345-35137-1, $18.95, 550pp, hardcover Contemporary/Historical Fantasy/Occult Thriller chess pieces belonging to Emperor Charlemagne (see "Chess") [Headline, May 1989] ISBN 0-7472-7993-4, ú6.95, 504pp, trade paperback [Ballantine, Feb 1990] 0-345-36623-9, $5.95, 598pp, paperback [Headline, Feb 1990] ISBN 0-7472-3229-6, ú4.50, 694pp, paperback Kris [Ottman] Neville (9 May 1925-1980) American folklorist/author with half a dozen SF novels: * Bettyann [Tower, 1970] * Invaders on the Moon [Belmont, 1970] * Mission: Manstop [Leisure, 1971] 7 stories * The Mutants [Belmont, 1966] * Peril of the Starmen [Belmont, 1967] * Spacial Delivery [Belmont, 1967] * The Unearth People [Belmont, 1964] * The Science Fiction of Kris Neville [eds. Barry N. Malzberg, Martin H. Greenberg, Southern Illinois University Press, Mar 1984] ISBN 0-8093-1112-7, $19.95, 241pp, hardcover 11 stories + Malzberg essay + bibliography Robert Neville: pseudonym of Shaun Hutson (1958- ): Locus Contento lists: * Deathday [Star, 1987, under own name; Leisure, July 1989] ISBN 0-8439-2805-0, $3.95, 400pp, paperback Horror cursed amulet ruins village Francis M. Nevins, full name Francis Michael Nevins, Jr. (1943- ): Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books Authored: * Cornell Woolrich: First You Dream, Then You Die [Mysterious Press, Sep 1988] ISBN 0-89296-297-6, $19.95, 613pp, hardcover nonfiction/biography of mystery/suspense writer who also used pseudonym William Irish, and also wrote Fantasy and Horror which influenceed Harlan Ellison, Barry Malzberg, others Books Edited: * Carnival of Crime [See "Fredric Brown"] H[enry] W[ood] Nevinson (1856-1941) Fantasist "Films of Time" (London: Routledge, 1939) The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, a.k.a. The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, see Science Fiction/Fantasy TV [1976-1979] {hotlink to be done} T. P. Newark, full name Timothy P. Newark (1961- ): Locus Contento lists: * the "Falling Empires" 5th Century Historical Fantasy series: * The Land of Eternal Fire [Muller, Apr 1990] ISBN 0-09-174403-2, ú11.95, 232pp, hardcover Henry Newbolt, later Sir Henry Newbolt (1862-1938): British author best known in his day for patriotic poetry, now best-known for: * Aladore [Newcastle, 1975] dreamy William Morris-like medieval Fantasy P. H. Newby, full name Percy Howard Newby (1918- ): Booker Prize winner; * The Spirit of Jem [Delacorte, 1967] * Leaning in the Wind [Faber, Dec 1986] ISBN 0-571-14512-4, ú9.95, hardcover, Girl obsessed with Shakespeare experiences paranormal and African politics Alan Bard Newcomer (1946-): Fantasy author and editor; Locus Contento lists: Short Fiction (as "Alan Bard"): * {to be done} Books Edited: * Bardic Voices One [Hypatia, May 1988] ISBN 0-940841-20-7, , 183pp, hardcover original anthology, 6 Fantasies by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Ru Emerson, Mercedes Lackey, Jennifer Roberson; Limited Edition [as "Spell Singers", DAW, Dec 1988] ISBN 0-88677-314-8, $3.50, 236pp, paperback * World Horror Convention 1996 Program Book [Eugene, OR, May 1996] 128pp, trade paperback, Don Maitz cover Donald Newlove (1928-): American fantasy author who drew depths of aching realism from his alcoholism: * Drinking Days [1981] autobiography * Eternal Life [1979] deceased protagonist meets lovers and historical figures in the astral plane (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.682) The New Republic, reprinted 50th anniversary special issue on futurist predictions for 1965-2000 A.D. (America Tomorrow" (New York: Signet, 1965) New Worlds, British new wave magazine and anthology source Henry Newill, British mainstream story author with some SF & Fantasy Bernard Newman (8 May 1897-19 Feb 1968) British lecturer/author/spy expert with several SF novels, including "The Flying Saucer" (London: Gollancz, 1948) which injected into the popular imiagination the idea that UFOs could be a fraud designed to force international unity John Newman, British scientist/author who ran the science column in New Worlds as "Kenneth Johns" (pseudonymous co-authorship with K. Bulmer) John Newman: Locus Contento lists: * Future War Novels: an Annotated Bibliography of Works in English Published Since 1946 (co-editor Michael Unsworth) [Oryx, Dec 1984] ISBN 0-89774-103-X, $25.00, 101pp, hardcover nonfiction/reference about 191 books in this subgenre. Charles Brown, editor/publisher of Locus, says: "It's neither complete nor consistant on bibliographical data. Some books have reprints listed, some not, even though the information is available. A shoddy piece of scholarship." Kim Newman, full name Kim James Newman (1959-): Member of Horror Writers of America Kim Newman British author, broadcaster, critic, and book reviewer who started as cabaret performer; and writes Fantasy Game-related fiction under the pseudonym Jack Yeovil: Books under own name: * Nightmare Movies [1984; revised 1988] critical chronology of post-1968 HORROR movies * Ghastly Beyond Belief [1985] co-editor Neil Gaiman, a collection of the most atrocious and hilarious quotations from Fantasy and Science Fiction stories and novels * The Night Mayor [1989] Hard Boiled Detective/CYBER PUNK * Bad Dreams [1990] contemporary Urban Dark Fantasy, see: CITIES OF THE FUTURE * Jago [1991] see "Apocalypse" * Anno Dracula [1992] ALTERNATE WORLD where the Victorian world is taken over by Vampires * The Bloody Red Baron [1995] sequel to Anno Dracula * The Quorum [1994] see "Faust" * Wild West Movies [1990] nonfiction/reference (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.682) Richard Lewis Newman: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * On Wings of Evil [Leisure, Aug 1988] ISBN 0-8439-2658-9, $3.95, 367pp, paperback Horror good versus evil contest for 13-year-old girl Robert Newman, pseudonym of Roger Howard Norton Robert Howard Newman (1909-1988): radio/TV writer, author of Mystery/Detective and Thriller novels, listed here for Fantasy novels: * Identity Unknown [1945] Mystery/Detective * The Enchanter [1965] Thriller * Corbie [1966] Young Adult Fantasy * The Boy Who Could Fly [1967] Young Adult Fantasy * the "Tertius" Arthurian Fantasy series: (see King Arthur) * Merlin's Mistake [1970] * The Testing of Tertius [1973] * The Shattered Stone [1975] Fantasy * Night Spell [1977] Dark Fantasy * The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars [1978] Mystery/Detective (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.682) Sharan Newman (1949-): born Sharan Elizabeth Hill; Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America also author of Mystery/Detective, Historical, and Young Adult novels: * The Dagda's Harp [1977] Young Adult * the "Guinevere" Arthurian Fantasy series: (see King Arthur) * Guinevere [St. Martin's, 1981] * The Chessboard Queen [St. Martin's, 1983] * Guinevere Evermore [1985] * Death Comes as Epiphany [1993] Mystery/Detective * The Devil's Door [1994] e-mail Sharan Newman e-mail Sharan Newman old, invalid? The New Monthly Magazine: see MAGAZINES New Novelists Magazine: see MAGAZINES The New Original Wonder Woman: Fantasy TV movie [1975] starring Lynda Carter New Orleans: a city invented for the sake of parties, food, jazz, a World Science Fiction Convention, Voodoo and Horror fiction {to be done} (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.683) Clark Newton, pseudonym of Jim Harmon David C. Newton, pseudonym of John N. Chance Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist of all time, whom you would not believe if you read of him as a fictional character. Driven from London by the Great Plague, he created 3 paradigm-shifting scientific breakthroughs in one miraculous year: Calculus, modern Optics, and the Universal Law of Gravitation. He was also a cantankerous argumentative creep who drove away all his friends, probably died a virgin to further his alchemy researches, became Keeper of the Royal Mint (all the gold any alchemist could ever need). Late in life, he felt that his greatest work was a study on the Book of Revelations. His last article: a history of the English penny. His last book: on the mystical secrets of the Pyramids. Both the first of the great modern scientists and the last of the great ancient magicians. Go figure. [Wilfrid] Douglas Newton (1884-?) British short story/novella author "The Beggar and Other Stories" (London: Washbourne & Bogan, 1933) Julius P. Newton, novel "The Forgotten Race" (New York: Arcadia, 1967) for other books in this genre, see Lost lands/Lost Races The New Twilight Zone: see Science Fiction/Fantasy Television [1985-1988] New Worlds: see Michael Moorcock, New Wave, MAGAZINES New York City: Your Humble Webmaster's Home Town; see CITIES OF THE FUTURE: especially the listing of "Urban Fantasies" NEW ZEALAND Return to Authors N Table of Contents Return to AUTHORS Table of Contents

Authors Beginning "Ni..."

Ian Niall, pseudonym of John McNellie: * The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow [Appleton, 1952] Maurizio Nichetti (1949?-): Actor, screenwriter, and film director of ITALY * co-authored and starred in "Allegro Non Troppo" [1976] {hotlink to be done} * co-authored and co-directed "Volere Volare" [1991] {hotlink to be done} * authored, directed, starred in "The Icicle Thief" [1989] {hotlink to be done} (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.684) Anna Nicholas, full name Anna Katherine Nicholas (1917-): Locus/Contento lists: * Out of the Past: The Indiana Ghost Stories of Anna Nicholas [Ghost Story Society, Dec 1991] no ISBN, no price, 30pp, 3 ghost stories, edited/introduced by Jessica Amanda Salmonson (see Jessica Amanda Salmonson) Deborah Nicholas: Locus/Contento lists: * Silent Sonata [Dell, May 1994] ISBN 0-440-21354-1, $4.99, 390pp, paperback Occult/Romance, classical pianist possessed by dead composers' spirits (whose bodies are, pardon the pun, de-composing) Christopher Nicholls: Locus/Contento lists: * Stolen Property [London: Bodley Head, Oct 1989] ISBN 0-370-31386-0, ú7.95, 144pp, hardcover Young Adult Science Fiction Peter Nicholls, full name Peter Douglas Nicholls (1939- ): Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (co-editor John Clute) See "John Clute" * The World of Fantastic Films: An Illustrated Survey [D.S. Colour, 1983; Dodd Mead, Jan 1985] ISBN 0-396-08381-1, $22.95, 224pp, hardcover color and black & white analysis of Science Fiction/Sci-Fi/Fantasy films, especially during 1968-1980s [Dodd Mead, Jan 1985] ISBN 0-396-08382-X, $14.95, 224pp, paperback Stan Nicholls: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * the "Nightshade Chronicles" Young Adult Fantasy trilogy: * The Book of Shadows [Scholastic UK, Jun 1996] ISBN 0-590-13272-5, ú3.99, 281pp, paperback * The Shadow of the Sorcerer [Scholastic UK, Nov 1997] ISBN 0-590-13971-1, ú3.99, 245pp, paperback * Dark Skies: The Awakening [Bantam UK, Oct 1997] ISBN 0-553-50619-6, ú4.99, 300pp, paperback TV series novelization * Strange Invaders [Scholastic UK, July 1995] ISBN 0-590-13102-8, ú3.99, 269pp, paperback Young Adult Science Fiction, villiage grownups act weirdly after follwing strange lights in the sky * Wordsmiths of Wonder: Fifty Interviews with Writers of the Fantastic [Orbit, Oct 1993] ISBN 1-85723-148-1, ú8.99, 461pp, trade paperback 50 interviews with leading Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror authors from magazines including "Interzone" and "Fear", many subsequently revised Adam Nichols: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * The Pathless Way [Millennium, Nov 1996] ISBN 1-85798-435-8, ú9.99, 407pp, trade paperback, Fantasy in the same world as War of the Lords Veil [Millennium, Nov 1996] ISBN 1-85798-434-X, ú15.99 hardcover [Orion, July 1997] ISBN 1-85798-316-5, ú5.99, 407pp, paperback * The War of the Lords Veil [Millennium, Nov 1994] ISBN 1-85798-188-X, ú8.99, 372pp, trade paperback Fantasy, motley crew of anxious heroes versus "the Veil Army" (soldiers empowered supernaturally by their battle helmets [Millennium, Nov 1994] ISBN 1-85798-187-1, ú15.99, hardcover [Millennium, July 1995] ISBN 1-85798-256-8, ú4.99, 372pp, paperback [Orion, July 1997] ISBN 1-85798-256-8, ú5.99, 372pp, paperback Beverley Nichols, full name John Beverley Nichols (1898-1983): British author with fast-start career, best-selling books on gardening, listed here for: * "When the Crash Comes" (play) [Failures: Three Plays, 1933] communists conquer Great Britain, see POLITICS * The Tree that Sat Down [1945] juvenile Fantasy * The Stream that Stood Still [1948] juvenile Fantasy * The Mountain of Magic: A Romance for Children [1950] juvenile Fantasy (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.684) Leigh Nichols: pseudonym of Dean R. Koontz (1945- ): Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * The Door To December [New American Librarym 1985, under pseudonym Richard Paige; Fontana, Aug 1987] ISBN 0-00-617377-2, ú3.50, 432pp, paperback Horror [Inner Circle, Jan 1988] ISBN 1-85018-067-9, ú10.95, 416pp, hardcover * The Eyes of Darkness [Pocket, 1981; Fontana, Apr 1988] ISBN 0-00-616508-7, ú2.95, 312pp, paperback Horror * The House of Thunder [Pocket, 1982; Fontana, Apr 1988] ISBN 0-00-616509-5, ú3.50, 329pp, paperback Horror/Science Fiction * The Key to Midnight [Pocket, 1979; Fontana, Apr 1988] ISBN 0-00-617001-3, ú3.50, 383pp, paperback Horror * The Servants of Twilight [Pocket, 1984; Fontana, Apr 1988] ISBN 0-00-616923-6, ú3.50, 379pp, paperback Horror * Shadowfires [Avon, Feb 1987] ISBN 0-380-75216-6, $3.95, 436pp, paperback Supernatural [Fontana, Dec 1987] ISBN 0-00-617444-2, ú3.50, 479pp, paperback [Collins, Dec 1987] ISBN 0-00-223164-6, ú10.95, 479pp, hardcover Lyn D. Nichols: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Lyn D. Nichols @ e-mail Lyn D. Nichols new address e-mail Lyn D. Nichols @ CompuServe e-mail Lyn D. Nichols old, invalid Nichelle Nichols: actress famous for "Uhura" role in Star Trek; a tireless speaker to minority and women's groups as a positive role model; a kind and decent woman who also once agreed to endorse me in my run for National Space Society Board of Directors; as an author: * Beyond Uhura: Star Trek and Other Memories [Putnam, Jan 1995] ISBN 0-399-13993-1, $22.95, 320pp, hardcover autobiography [Boxtree, Feb 1995] ISBN 0-7522-0839-X, ú15.99, 320pp, hardcover [Boxtree, Dec 1995] ISBN 0-7522-0787-3, ú9.99, 320pp, trade paperback * Saturn's Child (co-author Margaret Wander Bonanno) [Ace, Oct 1995] ISBN 0-399-14113-8, $21.95, 340pp, hardcover Science Fiction/Romance, First Contact [Ace, Nov 1996] ISBN 0-441-00384-2, $5.99, 342pp, paperback Peter Nichols, pseudonym of Christoper S. Youd Robert Nichols, full name Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols (1893-1944): British professor, playwright, poet, and author: * Invocation: War Poems and Others [1915] World War I poetry collection * Fisbo, or the Looking-Glass Laoned [1934] poetry, satire * The Smile of the Sphinx [1920] chapbook, Arabian Fantasy, revised as: Romances of Idea, Volume One: Fantastica: Being the Smile of the Sphinx and Other Tales of Imagination [1923] story collection including "Golgotha & Co." -- a novel predicting a World War II/Apocalypse and including the Wandering Jew * Under the Yew [1928] chapbook, borderline Fantasy * Wings over Europe: A Dramatic Extravaganza on a Pressing Theme [1929] co-author Maurice Brown, Science Fiction play (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.684) Ruth Nichols, full name Ruth Joanne Nichols (1948-): Children/Young Adult Fantasist of CANADA * A Walk Out of the World [Harcourt Brace & World, 1969; Ace, Feb 1986] ISBN 0-441-87133-X, $2.75, 138pp, paperback Children's/Young Adult Fantasy * The Marrow of the World [1972] Children's/Young Adult Fantasy * Song of the Pearl [1976] Children's/Young Adult Fantasy * The Left-Handed Spirit [1978] Children's/Young Adult Fantasy * The Burning of the Rose [St. Martin's, Dec 1989] ISBN 0-312-03299-4, $18.95, 341pp, hardcover supernatural/historical with Renaissance Italy and Normandy settings (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.685; and Locus/Contento) Allan Nicholson: Locus/Contento list: * Way of the Water's Going: Images of the Northern California Coastal Range (co-authors Ursula K. Le Guin, Ernest Waugh) See "Ursula K. Le Guin" Joseph Shield Nicholson (1850-1927): British author/economist: * Thoth [1888] anonymously published science fiction * A Dreamer of Dreams [1889] anonymously published drug/lucid dreams/ deal-with-the-Devil * Toxar [1890] anonymously published slavery Fantasy (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.685) Sam Nicholson, pseudonym of Shirley Nikolaisen Thom Nickels: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * Walking Water/After All This [Banned Books, Sep 1989] ISBN 0-934411-22-0 $8.95, 168pp, trade paperback 2 novellas (1 Science Fiction + 1 Fantasy), gay protagonists; Order from: Eward-William Publishing Co. Number 292 Box 33280 Austin TX 78764 see: SEX Jason Nickels: pseudonym of T. Lucien Wright, (1947- ): Locus Contento lists: * Immortal [Zebra, Oct 1996] ISBN 0-8217-5468-8, $4.50, 317pp, paperback Horror/Vampire Christopher Nicole, full name Christopher Robin Nicole (1930): see pseudonyms "Caroline Gray" and "Max Marlow" Diana Nicole: pseudonym for Christopher Robin Nicole (1930): see pseudonyms "Caroline Gray" and "Max Marlow" Gregory Nicoll: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Gregory Nicoll @ Dragon*Con e-mail Gregory Nicoll new e-mail Gregory Nicoll old, invalid Marianne O. Nielsen: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Marianne O. Nielsen e-mail Marianne O. Nielsen old, invalid? Patrick Nielsen Hayden: editor Patrick Nielsen * Starlight 1 [Tor, Sep 1996] ISBN 0-312-86215-6, $13.95, 316pp, hardcover Original anthology, 12 stories, authors: Michael Swanwick, Jane Yolen, Robert Reed, Maureen F. McHugh, others e-mail Patrick Nielsen Hayden Theresa Nielsen Hayden: Hugo Award-nominated fan writer; Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * Making Book [NESFA Press, May 1994] ISBN 0-915368-55-2, $9.95, 158pp, trade paperback non-fiction 15 essays/reviews; 500-copy Limited Edition Order from: NESFA Press P.O. Box 809 Framingham MA 01701-0203 Please add $2 postage/handling Valerie Nieman: nothing on the Web? Lenore Marie Nier, died 1993 age 48, was married to science fiction author and poet F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre David F. Nighbert, full name David Franklin Nighbert (1948-): Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * Timelapse [St. Martin's, Aug 1988] ISBN 0-312-01835-5, $17.95, 294pp, hardcover Science Fiction interstellar adventure/revenge/intrigue [London: Headline, Mar 1989] ISBN 0-7472-3254-7, ú3.50, 294pp, paperback * The Clouds of Magellan [St. Martin's, Jun 1991] ISBN 0-312-05834-9, $18.95, 308pp, hardcover sequel to "Timelapse" Nightbreed, a.k.a Clive Barker's Nightbreed: Fantasy/Horror films [1990] {film hotlink to be done} The Nightcomers: British Fantasy/Horror films [1972] {film hotlink to be done} Night Cry: see MAGAZINES The Night Life of the Gods: (1) see Thorne Smith; (2) Fantasy films [1935] {film hotlink to be done} The Nightmare Before Christmas, a.k.a Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas: Fantasy/Horror films [1993] {film hotlink to be done} Nightmare on Elm Street: see Fantasy/Horror films [1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 1999] {film hotlinks to be done} Nightmare: see "Dream" The Night Stalker: Fantasy/Horror TV movies [1971] {film hotlink to be done} see also "Kolchak" The Night Strangler: Fantasy/Horror TV movies [1972] {film hotlink to be done} see also "Kolchak" Night Visions: series of Horror anthologies published by Dark Harvest Nihil, pseudonym of P. Schuyler Miller Maria Nikolajeva: academic Fantasy critic; Locus/Contento list: * Magic Code: Use of Magical Patterns in Fantasy for Children [Almqvist, May 1988] ISBN 91-22-01200-1, ú15.00, 164pp, trade paperback Dorothea Nile, pseudonym of Michael Avallone Douglas Niles: Games-related Fantasy author: * AD&D: Rod of Seven Parts [TSR, Feb 1996] ISBN 0-7869-0479-8, $21.99, 348pp, hardcover, Jeff Easley cover, role-playing games-related "Tomes" series * Black Wizards [TSR, May 1988] ISBN 0-88038-563-4, $3.95, 347pp, paperback #2 of "Moonshae" trilogy [London: Penguin 0-14-011138-7, Sep '88, ú3.99, 347pp, paperback * A Breach in the Watershed [Ace, Aug 1995] ISBN 0-441-00208-0, $13.00, 435pp, trade paperback, Ciruelo Cabral cover, #1 of "Watershed" trilogy [Ace, July 1996] ISBN 0-441-00349-4, $5.99, 447pp, paperback, Ciruelo Cabral cover * Darkenheight [Ace, Sep 1996] ISBN 0-441-00333-8, $13.95, 408pp, trade paperback, Ciruelo Cabral cover, #2 of "The Watershed" Trilogy [Ace, July 1997] ISBN 0-441-00456-3, $6.99, 466pp, paperback * Darkwalker on Moonshae [TSR, 1987; Penguin, June 1988] ISBN 0-14-011136-0, ú3.50, 380pp, paperback, #1 of "Moonshae" trilogy of "Forgotten Realms" role-playing games-related series * DragonLance Preludes II #2: Flint, the King (see co-author Mary Kirchoff) * DragonLance: Emperor of Ansalon [TSR, Dec 1993] ISBN 1-56076-680-8, $4.95, 308pp, trade paperback, Jeff Easley cover, #3 of "Villains" series * DragonLance: Fistandantilus Reborn [TSR, Oct 1997] ISBN 0-7869-0708-8, $5.99, 315pp, trade paperback, Todd Lockwood cover, #2 of "Lost Gods/Lost Legends" role-playing games-related series, Copyrighted by TSR. * DragonLance: The Dragons [TSR, Oct 1996] ISBN 0-7869-0513-1, $5.99, 316pp, trade paperback, Larry Elmore cover, #6 of "The Lost Histories" * DragonLance: The Kinslayer Wars [TSR, Aug 1991] ISBN 1-56076-113-X, $4.95/ú3.99, 314pp, trade paperback, Gerald Brom cover, #2 of "Elven Nations" trilogy, worldwide edition with both U.S. and U.K. prices. * DragonLance: The Lost Histories #1: The Kagonesti [TSR, Jan 1995] ISBN 0-7869-0091-1, $4.95, 306pp, trade paperback, Larry Elmore cover, 1st of new series. Copyrighted by TSR * First Quest: Immortal Game [TSR, Feb 1996] ISBN 0-7869-0478-X, $3.99, 282pp, trade paperback, Don Clavette cover, #3 of "Quest Triad" * First Quest: Pawns Prevail [TSR, May 1995] ISBN 1-56076-854-1, $4.95, 314pp, trade paperback, Paul Jaquays cover, #1 of "Quest Triad" * First Quest: Suitors Duel [TSR, Aug 1995] ISBN 1-56076-922-X, $3.99, 282pp, trade paperback, Den Beauvais cover, #2 of "Quest Triad", Copyrighted by TSR * Forgotten Realms, Book #1: Darkwalker on Moonshae [TSR, June 1987] ISBN 0-88038-451-4, $3.95, 380pp, paperback, #1 of "Forgotten Realms" fantasy game-related series * Forgotten Realms: Darkwell [TSR, Apr 1989] ISBN 0-88038-717-3, $3.95, 341pp, trade paperback, #3 of "Moonshae" trilogy [Penguin, July 1989] ISBN 0-14-012635-X, ú3.99, 341pp, paperback, Jeff Easley cover, #3 of "Moonshae" trilogy * Forgotten Realms: Feathered Dragon [TSR, Apr 1991] ISBN 1-56076-045-1, $4.95/ú4.50, 316pp, trade paperback, Fred Fields cover, #3 of "Maztica" trilogy, worldwide edition with both U.S. and U.K. prices. [Penguin, July 1991] ISBN 0-14-014524-9, ú4.50, 316pp, paperback, Fred Fields cover * Forgotten Realms: Ironhelm [TSR, Apr 1990] ISBN 0-88038-903-6, $4.95, 314pp, trade paperback, Fred Fields cover, #1 of "Maztica Trilogy" [Penguin, Oct 1990] ISBN 0-14-014366-1, ú3.99, 314pp, paperback, Fred Fields cover, #1 of "Maztica" trilogy * Forgotten Realms: Prophet of Moonshae [TSR, Mar 1992] ISBN 1-56076-319-1, $4.95, 310pp, trade paperback, Clyde Caldwell cover, #1 of "Druidhome" trilogy, itself sequel to the "Moonshae" trilogy * Forgotten Realms: The Coral Kingdom [TSR, Sep 1992] ISBN 1-56076-332-9, $4.95, 309pp, trade paperback, cover by Clyde Caldwell cover, #2 of "Druidhome Trilogy" * Forgotten Realms: The Druid Queen [TSR, Mar 1993] ISBN 1-56076-568-2, $4.95, 312pp, trade paperback, Clyde Caldwell cover, #3 of "Druidhome Trilogy" * Forgotten Realms: Viperhand [TSR, Oct 1990] ISBN 0-88038-907-9, $4.95, 313pp, trade paperback, Fred Fields cover, #2 of "Maztica" trilogy [Penguin, Mar 1991] ISBN 0-14-014373-4, ú4.50, 313pp, paperback, Fred Fields cover, #2 of "Maztica" trilogy * War of Three Waters [Ace, Aug 1997] ISBN 0-441-00442-3, $14.00, 374pp, trade paperback, Ciruelo Cabral cover, 3rd of "The Watershed Trilogy" (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.689) and Locus/Contento Steve Niles: Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books Co-Authored: * Dread (co-authors Clive Barker, Fred Burke) See "Clive Barker" * I Am Legend: Book One (co-author Richard Matheson) [Eclipse Books, Apr 1991] ISBN 1-56060-085-3, $5.95, 60pp, trade paperback, Elman Brown cover, 1st of 4-part graphic adaptation of Matheson's classic vampire novel, adapted by Steve Niles, art by Elman Brown. * The Life of Death (co-authors Clive Barker, Fred Burke) See "Clive Barker" * Revelations (co-authors Clive Barker, Fred Burke) See "Clive Barker" * The Yattering and Jack (co-authors Clive Barker, Fred Burke) See "Clive Barker" Books Edited: * Words Without Pictures [Eclipse Books, Oct 1990] ISBN 1-56060-031-4, $8.95, 180pp, trade paperback, Mark Cox cover, Original anthology 6 stories + 4 poems by comix authors [Eclipse Books, Oct 1990] ISBN 1-56060-031-4, hardcover Jack Nimersheim: Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America CompuServe e-mail Jack Nimersheim Jack Nimersheim: Index to at least 16 publications e-mail Jack Nimersheim e-mail Jack Nimersheim old, invalid? Jenny Nimmo (1942 says Contento or 1944 says Clute-): British children's Fantasist, best known for the Fantasies based on The Mabinogion (see: "Mabinogion"): * The Snow Spider [Methuen, 1986] [Pied Piper, Oct 1986] ISBN 0-416-54530-0, ú5.50, 144pp, hardcover [Dutton, July 1987] ISBN 0-525-44306-1, $11.95, 136pp, hardcover [Magnet, Nov 1987] ISBN 0-416-06492-2, ú1.75, 142pp, paperback [Mammoth, Sep 1989] ISBN 0-7497-0139-0, ú2.50, 143pp, paperback, cover is still-photo from TV adaptation [Troll, Oct 1990] ISBN 0-8167-2264-1, $2.95, 136pp, trade paperback [Mammoth, Apr 1996] ISBN 0-7497-0831-X, ú3.99, 143pp, paperback * Emlyn's Moon [Methuen, 1987] a.k.a. Orchard of the Crescent Moon [Mammoth, Sep 1989] ISBN 0-7497-0140-4, ú2.25, 144pp, paperback [Mammoth, Oct 1990] ISBN 0-7497-0703-8, ú2.50, 158pp, paperback [Mammoth, Apr 1996] ISBN 0-7497-0140-4, ú3.99, 158pp, paperback * The Chestnut Soldier [Methuen, Oct 1989] ISBN 0-416-11402-4, ú7.95, 168pp, hardcover [Mammoth, Oct 1990] ISBN 0-7497-0150-1, ú2.50, 167pp, paperback [Mammoth, Oct 1991] ISBN 0-7497-0991-X, ú2.99, 168pp, paperback [Mammoth, Apr 1996] ISBN 0-7497-0150-1, ú3.99, 168pp, paperback * The Snow Spider Trilogy [Mammoth, Sep 1993] ISBN 0-7497-1424-7, ú3.99, 435pp, paperback, omnibus edition * Ulramarine [1991] * Rainbow and Mr.Zed [Methuen, 1992] [Mammoth, Aug 1993] ISBN 0-7497-1288-0, ú2.99, 143pp, paperback * Griffin's Castle [Methuen, Sep 1994] ISBN 0-416-19141-X, ú9.99, 183pp, hardcover [Mammoth, Sep 1995] ISBN 0-7497-2602-4, ú3.50, 183pp, paperback (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.689) and Locus/Contento Leonard Nimoy (1931-): actor in Westerns and Mystery/Detective film/TV best known for Star Trek roles and subsequent film directing {hotlinks to be done} Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * I Am Not Spock [Celestial Arts, 1975] * I Am Spock [Hyperion, Oct 1995] ISBN 0-7868-6182-7, $24.95, 342pp, hardcover nonfiction/autobiography, includes some material (i.e. Isaac Asimov correspondence) from "I Am Not Spock" [Hyperion, Oct 1995] ISBN 0-7868-6196-7, $250.00, signed, limited edition [Century, Nov 1995] ISBN 0-7126-7691-0, ú16.99, 342pp, hardcover Nimue: see "Lady of the Lake", King Arthur Niniane: see "Lady of the Lake", King Arthur F. X. Nine: best known for Young Adult Science Fiction novelizations of Nintendo game; Locus Contento lists: * Worlds of Power #1: Blaster Master [Scholastic, July 1990] ISBN 0-590-43778-X, $2.95, 119pp, paperback * Worlds of Power #2: Metal Gear [Scholastic, July 1990] ISBN 0-590-43777-1, $2.95, 122pp, paperback * Worlds of Power #3: Ninja Gaiden [Scholastic, July 1990] ISBN 0-590-43776-3, $2.95, 120pp, paperback * Worlds of Power #4: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest [Scholastic, July 1990] ISBN 0-590-43775-5, $2.95, 138pp, paperback * Worlds of Power #5: Wizards and Warriors [Scholastic, Sep 1990] ISBN 0-590-43769-0, $2.95, 121pp, paperback * Worlds of Power #6: Bionic Commando (by J. B. Stamper) [Scholastic, Jan 1991] ISBN 0-590-44315-1, $2.95, 117pp, paperback * Worlds of Power: Infiltrator (by A. L. Singer) [Scholastic, Mar 1991] ISBN 0-590-44314-3, $2.95, 122pp, paperback Alex Nino (1940-): Comix artist of Philippines * Space Clusters [DC Graphic, Sep 1986] ISBN 0-930289-14-5, $5.95, unpaginated, ppaperback Graphic novel, artwork by Alex Nino, story by Arthur Byron Cover (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.689) and Locus/Contento Colin Nisbet: Locus Contento lists: * Suzerains [The Book Guild, Nov 1993] ISBN 0-86332-877-6, ú11.95, 192pp, hardcover Hume Nisbet (1849-1923): artist/author of SCOTLAND long-resident in AUSTRALIA author of almost 50 adventure/Romance novels, of which roughly 10 can be considered Fantasy: * The Jolly Roger [1892] pirates, mass hypnosis * Valdemar the Viking [1893] reincarnation * The Great Secret [1895] Hesperides LOST LANDS * The Empire Builders [1900] South Africa LOST LANDS * The Haunted Station [1894] Australian outback ghosts * Stories Weird and Wonderful [1900] story collection * Paths of the Dead [1899] * The Revenge of valerie [1900] * The Divers [1900] * A Crafty Foe [1901] * A Colonial King [1905] (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.690) Der Nister, pseudonym of Pinhas Kahanovitch Adam Niswander: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Locus Contento lists: Stories: * {to be done} Books: * The Charm [Integra Press, Oct 1993] ISBN 0-9626148-1-5, no price, 280pp, trade paperback, Armand Cabrera cover, Native American supernatural thriller set in Arizona, special proof edition only available to attendees of 1993 World Fantasy Convention, all copies are numbered and signed. [Integra Press, Oct 1993] ISBN 0-9626148-1-5, $21.95, 280pp, hardcover Order from: Integra Press 1702 Camelback Rd., Suite 119 Phoenix AZ 85105 * The Serpent Slayers [Integra Press, Mar 1994] ISBN 0-9626148-2-3, $21.95, 308pp, hardcover, Southwestern Horror novel, 2nd of "Shaman Cycle" [Integra Press, Mar 1994] 250-copy signed limited edition, $75.00 e-mail Adam Niswander Laurence Van Cott Niven, born Los Angeles 30 Apr 1938, son of Waldemar Van Cott and Lucy Estelle Doheny, married Marilyn Joyce Wisowaty 6 Sep 1969; author: World of Ptavvs, 1966 Neutron Star, 1968 Ringworld, 1969 Gift from Earth, 1970 All the Myriad Ways, 1971 The Flying Sorcerers, 1971 (with David Gerrold) Protector, 1973 The Flight of the Horse, 1973 The Mote in God's Eye, 1974 (co-author) Tales of Known Space, 1975 Inferno, 1975 (co-author) World Out of Time, 1976 Lucifer's Hammer, 1977 (co-author) The Magic Goes Away, 1978 Oath of Fealty, 1981 (co-author) The Ringworld Engineers, 1980 The Patchwork Girl, 1979 Dream Park, 1981 (with Steven Barnes) The Integral Trees, 1984 Footfall, 1985 (co-author) The Smoke Ring, 1987 The Legacy of Heorot, 1987 (co-author) Student 1956-58 Caltech; B.A. in Mathematics 1962 Washburn University; winner of Nebula Award, 5 Hugo Awards, Best International Science Fiction Award, Lens Award; member: LASFS, SFWA Larry Niven: Known Space and other stuff Larry Niven Larry Niven: Known Space Chronology by Marc Carlson (definitive) Larry Niven: Known Space "Oath of Fealty" (1981) is selected and praised in "Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels" by David Pringle In the 1976 Locus poll, asking readers to nominate their favorite author, Larry Niven came in #6 (with 131 votes), confirming his leadership position at #13 with a similar poll in 1973. Garth Nix: Garth Nix: Australia Return to Authors N Table of Contents Return to AUTHORS Table of Contents

Authors Beginning "No..."

Phil Nobel, pseudonym of Robert L. Fanthorpe Mark Noble: pseudonym of R. Strickgold Charles Nodier (1780-1844): full name Jean Charles Emmanuel Nodier poet, playwright, and fantasist of FRANCE * Le Vampire [1820] play based on John Polidori's "The Vampyre: A Tale" [1819] * Smarra, ou Les Demons de la nuit [1821] * Trilby, ou le lutin d'Argail [1822] * Smarra & Trilby [London: 1993] omnibus edition translated by Judith Landry (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, pp.690-691) Mark Noe: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Mark Noe Sterling Noel: * We Who Survived [Avon, 1959] The Saga of Noggin the Nog: British Fantasy TV series [1959-1965] see also "The Clangers" [1969-1973] Christopher Nolan, pseudonym of Laurence James William F. Nolan, full name William Francis Nolan (1928-): author/editor * Alien Horizons [Pocket, 1974] 19 stories * Impact 20 [Paperback Library, 1963] 20 stories * Helltrack [1990] Horror novel * Space for Hire [Lancer, 1971] * Things Beyond Midnight [1984] Horror story collection * the "Logan's Run" series, co-authored with George Clayton Johnson * Logan's Run [Dial, 1967; Dell; Bantam] {film hotlink to be done} * Logan's World [Bantam, 1977] {TV hotlink to be done} Short Fiction: * "The Joy of Living" [If, 1954] adapted by author for 1971 teleplay * many more {to be done} Nonfiction: * The Ray Bradbury Companion [1975] includes bibliography * The Bradbury Chronicles: Stories in Honor of Ray Bradbury [1991] co-anthologist Martin H. Greenberg * The Work of Charles Beaumont [1986; expanded 1991] bibliography * How to Write Horror Fiction [1991] Noname, pseudonym of Lu Senarens, Harry Enton Nonsense: There is considerable sense to be found in the subgenre of "Nonsense" especially after the pioneering brilliance of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll. G. K. Chesterton insisted in "A Defense of Nonsense" [The Defendant, 1901] that Edward Lear was better, in that his non sequiturs, disjointed strangenesses, and verbal coinages (such as "runcible spoon") make for a more powerful poetry than the logical-illogical inversions of Lewis Carroll (who was, after all, a mathematician). Other notable nonsense may be found in: * A Book of Nonsense [1972] Mervyn Peake poetry * The Man Who Was Thursday [1908] G.K. Chesterton * The Thirteen Clocks [1950] James Thurber * Fire and Hemlock [1985] Diana Wynne Jones * The Kindly Ones [1996] graphic novel by Neil Gaiman * the major works of James Joyce, including "Ulysses" and "Finnegan's Wake" [1939] * truths concealed in only-apparently nonsensical utterings of Fools and Oracles (see "Fool", "Oracle") * see also "Absurd", "Magic Word", "Satire", "Surrealism" * see also "Nostradamus" (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.691) Your Humble Webmaster would like to note that a deeper analysis of Nonsense may be found through Communication Theory (as founded by Claude Shannon). When a message has been compressed or coded to make maximum use of a communications channel, it becomes statistically indistinguishable from noise. Poetry is more densely coded and compressed than ordinary prose, as in verse alone, every word, every syllable, has to have calculated effect. Hence nonsense poetry, a subset of Science Fiction and Fantasy POETRY, is meaningful and interesting precisely because it is "on the edge of chaos," where the experts on Artificial Life insist the most interesting an unpredictable phoneomena occur. Ed Noon, pseudonym of Michael Avallone Edwina Noone, pseudonym of Michael Avallone Hermann Noordung, pseudonym of Captain Potocnik Julian Norbert: American bail-bondsman Mystery/Detective and Science Fiction novelist "The Lost Lemur" (London: Rich Cowan, 1933), "The Jaundiced Judgment of Jupiter" (London: Unicorn, 1932, introduction by John Gawsworth) W. Norbert, pseudonym of Norbert Wiener (the father of Cybernetics, and a teacher of a teacher of your humble webmaster) Eric Norden: * The Ultimate Solution [Warner, 1973] David Nordhaus: Member of Horror Writers of America David Nordhaus Nordic Fantasy: {to be done} Gerald David Nordley: Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America ex-Air Force expert on rocket propulsion, now a prolific hard-sf author, no known home page, but America Online e-mail e-mail Gerald David Nordley Lawrence Norfolk (1963-): British Fantasist: * Lempriere's Dictionary [1991] historical Fantasy, see also: Urban Fantasy (London): CITIES OF THE FUTURE: IMMORTALITY (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.692) Eric Norman, pseudonym of Eugene Olsen Jay Norman: pseudonym of Robert Arthur (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.692) John Norman, pseudonym of John Frederick Lange (1931-), professor and controversial author of the Politically Incorrect: * the "Slavery is Fun" or "Gor" Planetary Romance series in an Edgar Rice Burroughs style: * Tarnsman of Gor [1966] women kidnapped to contra-terra planet on opposite side of the sun from Earth * Outlaw of Gor [1967] * Priest-Kings of Gor [1968] * Gor Omnibus: Chronicles of Counter earth [1972] omnibus edition * Nomads of Gor [1969] * Assassin of Gor [1970] * Raiders of Gor [1971] * Captive of Gor [1972] * Hunters of Gor [1974] * Marauders of Gor [1975] * Tribesmen of Gor [1976] * Slave Girl of Gor [1977] * Beasts of Gor [[1978] * Exploreres of Gor [1979] * Fighting Slaves of Gor [1980] * Guardsman of Gor [1981] * Rogue of Gor [1981] * Blood Brothers of Gor [1982] * Savages of Gor [1982] * Kajira of Gor [1983] * Players of Gor [1984] * Mercenaries of Gor [1985] * Dancer of Gor [1985] * Renegades of Gor [1986] * Vagabonds of Gor [1987] * Magicians of Gor [1988] * the "Tarl Cabot" series or "Telnarian Histories" Fantasy/Science Fiction: * The Chieftain [Warner Questar, Sep 1991] ISBN 0-446-36149-6, $4.50, 294pp, paperback, Dorian Vallejo cover art * The Captain [Warner Questar, Sep 1992] ISBN 0-446-36254-9, $4.99, 293pp, paperback, Dorian Vallejo cover art * The King [1993] * Ghost Dance [1969] * Imaginative Sex [1974] nonfiction * Time Slave [1975] Although his "Gor" series has been roundly condemned as sado-masochistic pseudo-pornography, the John Frederick Lange makes an impassioned defense of his work on philosophical and Libertarian terms. Those who don't like "Gor" need not buy it, he points out, and then he claims (with some merit) that he has been defamed and censored by the publishing community. See: SEX There have been 2 low-budget films made from the "Gor" series: * Gor [1987] directed by Fritz Kiersch {film hotlink to be done} * Outlaw of Gor [1987] directed by John Cardos {film hotlink to be done} Mick Norman, pseudonym of Laurence James Lisanne Norman: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Short Fiction: * {to be done} Books: * the "Sholan Alliance" Science Fiction series: * Turning Point [DAW, Dec 1993] ISBN 0-88677-575-2, $3.99, 267pp, paperback, Romas Kukalis cover art, #1 of Sholan Alliance young lady with telepathy (see: EXTRA-SENSORY PERCEPTION) and a cat-like alien Sholan who also has with telepathy on a human colony planet out of touch with Earth while being invaded by reptilian Valtegans * Fortune's Wheel [DAW, Aug 1995] ISBN 0-88677-675-9, $5.99, 646pp, Romas Kukalis cover art, #2 of Sholan Alliance * Fire Margins [DAW, Nov 1996] ISBN 0-88677-718-6, $5.99, 646pp, paperback, Romas Kukalis cover art, #3 of Sholan Alliance [DAW, Dec 1997] ISBN 0-88677-718-6, $6.99, 758pp * Razor's Edge [DAW, Dec 1997] ISBN 0-88677-766-6, $6.99, 652pp, Romas Kukalis cover art, #4 of Sholan Alliance Lisanne Norman e-mail Lisanne Norman corrected address e-mail Lisanne Norman, England Marsha Norman, full name Marsha Williams Norman (1947- ): Locus/Contento lists: * The Fortune Teller [Random House, 1987; Bantam, May 1988] ISBN 0-553-27284-5, $4.50, 375pp, paperback thriller/clairvoyance (see: EXTRA-SENSORY PERCEPTION) [Fontana, Feb 1989] ISBN 0-00-617493-0, ú3.95, 430pp, paperback Roger Norman: Locus/Contento lists: * Albion's Dream [Faber, Apr 1990] ISBN 0-571-15425-5, ú7.99, 184pp, hardcover, Alan Baker cover art, Young Adult Fantasy Andrew Norris: Locus/Contento lists: * Aquila [Puffin, Nov 1997] ISBN 0-140-38365-4, ú3.99, 139pp, paperback novelization of BBC-TV Young Adult Fantasy/Science Fiction series Frank Norris: * Nutro 29 [Rinehart, 1950] Kathleen Norris: * Through a Glass Darkly [Doubleday, 1957] Andrew North, pseudonym of Alice M. Norton a.k.a. Andre Norton David North: Locus/Contento lists: * Time Warriors: Fuse Point [Worldwide Library Gold Eagle, Apr 1991] ISBN 0-373-63601-6, $3.50, 221pp, paperback Military Fantasy/Adventure about Vietnam veteran joining forces with an ancient warrior through TIME TRAVEL to battle the evil collaboration of dictator and Queen of the netherworld [Worldwide Library Gold Eagle, Apr 1992] $3.50, 218pp, paperback * Time Warriors: Forbidden Region [Worldwide Library Gold Eagle, Aug 1991] ISBN 0-373-63602-4, $3.50, 220pp, paperback, #2 of "Time Warriors" series [Worldwide Library Gold Eagle, Aug 1992] ISBN 0-373-63602-4, $3.50, 220pp, paperback * Time Warriors: The Guardian Strikes [Worldwide Library Gold Eagle, Dec 1991] ISBN 0-373-63603-2, $3.50, 218pp, paperback, #3 of "Time Warriors" series [Worldwide Library Gold Eagle, Dec 1992] ISBN 0-373-63603-2, $3.50, 197pp, paperback Eric North, pseudonym for Bernard C. Cronin * The Ant Men [Winston, 1955] The following paperback edition was edited and published by my father, Samuel H. Post, for MacFadden-Bartell Corporation, New York: Eric North [Bernard C. Cronin], "The Ant Men", (60-277, 1967) Jessica North, pseudonym of Jessica North MacDonald Rick North: pseudonym/house name: Locus/Contento lists: * The Young Astronauts [Zebra, July 1990] ISBN 0-8217-3000-2, $2.95, 158pp, paperback Young Adult Science Fiction about teenagers in training for (and in later books engaged in) Mars mission * The Young Astronauts #2: Blastoff! [Zebra, Sep 1990] ISBN 0-8217-3173-4, $2.95, 157pp, paperback * The Young Astronauts #3: Space Blazers [Zebra, Nov 1990] ISBN 0-8217-3178-5, $2.95, 157pp, paperback * The Young Astronauts #4: Destination Mars [Zebra, Jan 1991] ISBN 0-8217-3285-4, $2.95, 172pp, paperback * The Young Astronauts #5: Space Pioneers [Zebra, Mar 1991] ISBN 0-8217-3307-9 $2.95, 174pp, paperback * The Young Astronauts #6: Citizens of Mars [Zebra, May 1991] ISBN 0-8217-3308-7, $2.95, 158pp, paperback Leslie Northern, house name and pseudonym of Frank B. Long, others NORTHERN IRELAND Allen C. Northrop: Locus/Contento lists: * Before The Beginning [Vantage Press, Feb 1991] ISBN 0-533-08861-5, $16.95, 365pp, hardcover Fantasy: Gods predate Humans Capt. B. A. Northrop, pseudonym of L. Ron Hubbard Andre Norton: Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Andre Norton (Alice Mary Norton) Andre Norton: Index to at least 97 publications Aetheling's Grove site about Andre Norton and her books (best viewed with IE 3.0) by webmaster Maciej Zaleski Xenite Contains sites of interest to fans of Andre Norton, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and others. For further information, contact: Michael Martinez 429 Robin Meadows NW Albuquerque NM 87114 USA e-mail Michael Martinez [Xenite] by the way, my father (Samuel H. Post) published Andre Norton in paperback. Andre Norton's non-series novels and story collections include: * Android at Arms * Breed to Come * Catseye * Dark Piper * Dragon Magic * The Day of the Ness * Dread Companion * Eye of the Monster * Forerunner Foray * Fur Magic * Garan the Eternal * High Sorcery * Here Abide Monsters * Ice Crown * Iron cage * Knave of Dreams * Lavender Green Magic * Merlin's Mirror * The Many Worlds of Andre Norton a.k.a. The Book of Andre Norton * No Night Without Stars * Night of Masks * Octagon Magic * Operation Time Search * Outside * Perilous Dreams * Quag Keep * Red Hart Magic * Sea Siege * Secrets of the Lost Race * Star Gate * Star Hunter * Starman's Son a.k.a. Daybreak 2250 A.D. * The Sioux Spaceman * Steel Magic * The X Factor * Wraiths of Time Her book series included: * The "Witch World" series * the "Time Travel" series * the "Central Control" series * the "Pax" series * the "Janus" series * the "Solar Queen" series * the "Blake Walker" series * the "Jern Murdock" series * the "Free Traders" series * the "Hosteen Storm" series * the "Planet Warlock" series * the "Star Kaat" series * various historical novels, including: * Huon of the Horn [Harcourt Brace, 1951; Ace] * Shadow Hawk [Harcourt, 1960; Ace] References: * Andre Norton: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (See bibliographer Roger C. Schlobin) * Andre Norton: A Working Bibliography (See bibliographer Phil Stephensen-Payne) Jack E. Norton: Fantasy artist/critic/editor; Locus/Contento lists: * The Fantasy Art Techniques of Tim Hildebrandt (see co-author Timothy Hildebrandt) * The Fantasy Art Techniques of Tim Hildebrandt [London: Paper Tiger, 1991] ISBN 1-85028-162-9 [Science Fiction Book Club #19626, May 1992] $19.98, 159pp, hardcover, Tim Hildebrandt cover art; Art book, collection of Hildebrandt's work + commentary on his techniques. Mary Norton (1903-1992): British Juvenile Fantasy author best known for "The Borrowers" series {film hotlink to be done} and the books which became the 1971 Disney film "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"; Locus/Contento lists: Short Fiction: * {to be done} Books: * Are All the Giants Dead? [Dent, 1975; Magnet, May 1987] ISBN 0-416-00742-2, ú1.75, 119pp, Juvenile or Young Adult Fantasy [Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet, Mar 1997] ISBN 0-15-201523-X, $7.00, trade paperback, Brian Froud cover art/illustrations rational schoolboy encounters retired Fairy Tale characters * the "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" series: * The Magic Bed-Knob [1943] * Bonfires and Broomsticks [1947] * Bedknobs and Broomsticks [1957] omnibus edition * The "Borrowers" series: * The Borrowers [Dent, 1952] Juvenile or Young Adult Fantasy [Lythway Large Print, July 1986] ISBN 0-7451-0331-6, ú6.95, 208pp, hardcover Large Print edition [HBJ/Voyager, Nov 1986] ISBN 0-15-613600-7, $3.95, 180pp, paperback Beth and Joe Krush illustrations; 24th printing [Harcourt Brace/Odyssey, 1997] ISBN 0-15-209990-5, $6.00, 200pp, paperback, Beth & Joe Krush cover art [Puffin, Nov 1997] ISBN 0-140-38415-4, ú3.99, 145pp, paperback movie tie-in edition * The Borrowers Afield [Harcourt Brace, 1955; HBJ/Voyager, Nov 1986] ISBN 0-15-613601-5, $3.95, 215pp, paperback, 15th printing [Harcourt Brace/Odyssey, 1997] ISBN 0-15-210535-2, $6.00, 238pp, paperback, Beth & Joe Krush cover art [Puffin, Nov 1997] ISBN 0-140-39029-4, ú3.99, 189pp, paperback movie tie-in edition * The Borrowers Afloat [Harcourt Brace, 1959; HBJ/Voyager, Nov 1986] ISBN 0-15-613603-1, $3.95, 191pp, paperback, 11th printing [Harcourt Brace/Odyssey, 1997] ISBN 0-15-210534-4, $6.00, 205pp, paperback, Beth & Joe Krush cover art, 4th printing * The Borrowers Aloft [Dent, 1961; HBJ/Voyager, Nov 1986] ISBN 0-15-613604-X, $3.95, 192pp, paperback; 10th printing [Harcourt Brace/Odyssey, 1997] ISBN 0-15-210533-6, $6.00, 196pp, paperback, Beth & Joe Krush cover art, 4th printing [Puffin, Nov 1997] ISBN 0-140-39039-1, ú3.99, 169pp, paperback movie tie-in edition * The Borrowers Avenged [Kestrel, 1982; Harcourt, 1982; HBJ/Voyager, Jan 1985] ISBN 0-15-210531-X, $6.95, 298pp, paperback Beth & Joe Krush illustrations [HBJ/Voyager, Nov 1986] ISBN 0-15-210531-X, $4.95, 298pp, paperback; 2nd printing [Harcourt Brace/Odyssey, 1997] ISBN 0-15-210532-8, $6.00, 365pp, paperback, Beth & Joe Krush cover art; 4th printing [Puffin, Nov 1997] ISBN 0-140-39043-X, ú3.99, 286pp, paperback movie tie-in edition * The Complete Borrowers [Puffin, Nov 1997] ISBN 0-140-38416-2, ú6.99, 820pp, paperback Omnibus edition of all 6 "Borrowers" books (5 novels: The Borrowers [1952], The Borrowers Afield [1955], The Borrowers Afloat [1959], The Borrowers Aloft [1961], The Borrowers Avenged [1982], and the collection "Poor Stainless") + Mary Norton introduction; movie tie-in edition * Poor Stainless [Viking UK, Aug 1994] ISBN 0-670-85427-1, ú8.99, 80pp, hardcover, Justin Todd cover art/illustrations, Fantasy story collection in "The Borrowers" series [Puffin] ISBN 0-14-036897-3, ú3.25, paperback Michael Norton: Locus/Contento lists: * Blizzard [Leisure, Dec 1988] ISBN 0-8439-2706-2, $3.95, 358pp, paperback Horror, carniverous mutant which craves human flesh stalks men and women through snow storm Manning Norvil, pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer: * the "Odan the Half God" series * Dream Chariots [Daw, 1977] * Whetted Bronze [Daw, 1978] NORWAY Nevil Shute Norway (1899-1960): see pseudonym Nevil Shute Norwescon: Institutional Member of Science Fiction Writers of America c/o Judith Herman e-mail Norwescon Warren C. Norwood, full name Warren Carl Norwood (1945-): Locus/Contento lists: Short Fiction: * {to be done} Books: * the Double Spiral War" Science Fiction trilogy: * Midway Between [Bantam, Oct 1984] ISBN 0-553-24440-X, $2.75, 235pp, paperback, #1 of "Double Spiral War" trilogy * Final Command [Bantam Spectra, Feb 1986] ISBN 0-553-25554-1, $2.95, 254pp, paperback, #3 of "Double Spiral War" trilogy * Polar Fleet [Bantam Spectra, June 1985] ISBN 0-553-24877-4, $2.95, 234pp, paperback Science Fiction, sequel to "Midway Between" * Shudderchild [Bantam Spectra, May 1987] ISBN 0-553-26455-9, $3.95, 350pp, pb) Science Fiction, Near Future ruined Earth * the "Time Police" Time Travel Science Fiction/Action series: * Time Police #1: Vanished [Lynx, Nov 1988] ISBN 1-55802-006-3, $3.50, 288pp, paperback * Time Police #2: Trapped! [Lynx Omeiga, Jan 1989] ISBN 1-55802-007-1, $3.50, 304pp, paperback, Future dictatorship atempts to perpetuate itself by changing the past; Series packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Productions. * Time Police #3: Stranded! (co-author Mel Odom) [Lynx Omeiga, Mar 1989] ISBN 1-55802-008-X, $3.50, 320pp, paperback * True Jaguar [Bantam Spectra, Feb 1988] ISBN 0-553-27127-X, $3.95, 324pp, paperback Fantasy, contemporary protagonist enters Mayan mythology * The Windhover Tapes: The Planet of Flowers [Bantam, Feb 1984] ISBN 0-553-23963-5, $2.50, 214pp, paperback Science Fiction, conclusion of the "Windhover" tetralogy Nosferatu: (1) see "Dracula", "Vampire" (2) classic German horror film [1922] {film hotlink to be done} Nosferatu the Vampyre: German/French horror film [1979] {film hotlink to be done} Hans Erich Nossack: author of GERMANY; Locus/Contento lists: * An Offering for the Dead [Germany, 1947; Marsilio, Mar 1993] ISBN 0-941419-29-0, translated by Joachim Neugroschel, $19.00, 124pp, hardcover, Literary post-apocalypse Last Man wanders through deserted world, see: WORLD COMES TO AN END Christine Nostlinger (1936-): Locus/Contento lists: * Guardian Ghost [USA: Andersen Press, 1986; London: Beaver, Jan 1988] ISBN 0-09-955050-4, ú1.95, 142pp, paperback Young Adult ghosts Nostradamus, pseudonym of Michel de Notredame (1503-1566): born in Provence, FRANCE educated at Montpelier, moderately successful physician who began writing in the genre of versified annual almanacs (a genre made possible by the Gutenberg revolution in printing) circa 1540. He achieved best-sellerdom in 1555 with "Les Propheties de Me. Michel Nostradamus" in 353 quatrains edited into "centuries" of 100 verses each, to which more were added in the 1557 and 1558 editions, reaching the total of 1040 verses (and then 8 posthumous ones). The "1040" was his most chilling prophecy to Americans half a millennium later, as the dreaded Internal Revenue Service uses as its primary instrument of torture the "Form 1040." Your Humble Webmaster has suffered thousands of hours of tax preparation and has endured several agonizing tax audits. "Nothing is certain except Death and Taxes" they say, which gets us back to the subject... Prediction is hard, especially about the future. Nostradamus hedged his bets by embedding his prophecies in ambiguity, pun, homonym, metaphor, heraldry, religion, alchemy, and a bizarre Fantasy diction which has more linguistic and literary interest than (to me) his vague occultist pseudo-prediction. In my humble opinion, his predictions are negligable, but his celebrity gives hope to all minor poets who try to turn hack-work into marketable commodities. In a sense, his work is a precursor to to the genre of Science Fantasy, which uses the tropes of Fantasy in combination with the pretense of futurology in Science Fiction. References: * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy, John Clute & John Grant, [St.Martin's, 1997, pp.694-695] * "You Too Can be a Nostradamus" by L. Sprague de Camp [Esquire, 1942] * The Spoor of Spooks [1951] by Bergan Evans: "there were many Nostradamuses -- some 20 in all -- the name having become a generic term for prophets" * Prophecies and Enigmas of Nostradamus [1979] scholarly translation and analysis by Liberte E. Levert (see E.F. Bleiler) * The Mask of Nostradamus [1990] James Randi's scholarly and insightful historical analysis and readable debunking Not Against the Flesh: alternate title of "Vampyr" [1932] {film hotlink to be done} Not At Night: British fantasy anthology series, edited by Christine Campbell Thomson (1897-1985), published by Selwyn & Blount Deborah L. Notkin, science fiction editor; Locus/Contento lists: * The Outer Limits, Volume 1 (co-editor Roger Stewart) [Prima/Proteus, Sep 1996] ISBN 0-7615-0619-5, $12.00, 250pp, trade paperback original anthology 4 stories inspired by/based on TV episodes (original + new series), Harlan Ellison's reprinted "Soldier" + Diane Duane, Howard Hendrix, John M. Ford; Copyrighted by Outer Limits Productions, trademark licensing from MGM/UA [Boxtree, Apr 1997] ISBN 0-7522-0274-X, ú4.99, 250pp, paperback * The Outer Limits, Volume 2 (co-editor Roger Stewart) [Prima/Proteus, Feb 1997] ISBN 0-7615-0620-9, $12.00, 292pp, trade paperback anthology 4 stories inspired by/based on TV episodes (original + new series), Diane Duane, Fredric Brown, Michael Marano, Richard Lupoff. Copyrighted by Outer Limits Productions, trademark licensing by MGM/UA [Boxtree , May 1997] ISBN 0-7522-0279-0, ú4.99, 292pp, paperback * The Outer Limits, Volume 3 [Prima/Proteus, Mar 1997] ISBN 0-7615-0621-7, $12.00, 251pp, trade paperback anthology 4 stories inspired by/based on TV episodes (original + new series), Eando Binder (reprint) + Richard Lupoff, Michael Marano, Diane Duane (+ David Schow foreword) [Boxtree, July 1997] ISBN 0-7522-0284-7, ú4.99, xiv+251pp, paperback Alan E. Nourse, full name Alan Edward Nourse (11 Aug 1928-1992): American physician/publisher/author best-known for medical science fiction, also was VP of Chamberlain Press, and wrote a "So You Want To Be A Doctor" series of juvenile nonfiction for Harper, including volumes on science professions (he originally intended to be a research biologist). The following paperback editions were edited and published by my father, Samuel H. Post, for MacFadden-Bartell Corporation, New York: Alan E. Nourse, "Tiger by the Tail", (50-199, 1964) Alan E. Nourse, "Tiger by the Tail", (60-309, 1968) Alan E[dward] Nourse, pseudonyms: Doctor X, Al Edwards; born Des Moines IA 11 Aug 1928, son of Benjamin Chamberlain Nourse and Grace Ogg, married Ann Jane Morton 1952, children: Benjamin, Rebecca, Jonathan, Christopher; novelist: Trouble on Titan, 1954 (Junior Literary Guild Selection) A Man Obsessed, 1954, revised edition published as The Mercy Man, 1968 Rocket to Limbo, 1957 Scavengers in Space, 1959 The Invaders are Coming, 1959 (with J. A. Meyers) Star Surgeon, 1960 Raiders from the Rings, 1962 The Universe Between, 1965 The Bladerunner, 1974 The Practice, 1978 The Fourth Horseman, 1983 Nonfiction books: So You Want to Be a Doctor, 1957, revised edition 1963 So You Want to Be a Lawyer, 1958 (with brother William B. Nourse) So You Want to Be a Scientist, 1960 Nine Planets, 1960, revised edition 1970 So You Want to Be a Nurse, 1961 So You Want to Be an Engineer, 1962 (with E. Halliday) The Management of a Medical Practice, 1962 (with Geoffrey Marks) So You Want to Be a Physicist, 1964 The Body, 1964 (with the editors of Life) So You Want to Be a Chemist, 1964 Intern, 1965 (as Dr. X) So You Want to Be a Surgeon, 1966 So You Want to Be an Architect, 1969 (with C. Meinhardt, Jr.) Atom: the Story of Physics, 1969 Ladies Home Journal Family Medical Guide, 1973 The Outdoorsman's Medical Guide, 1974 Vitamins: A Concise Guide, 1977 Inside the Mayo Clinic, 1979 The Hidden Addiction and How to Get Free, 1986 (with Janice Keller Phelps) The Elk Hunt: A Search for the Solutions to Coronary Artery Disease, 1986 Juveniles: Junior Intern, 1957 Venus and Mercury: a First Book, 1972 The Backyard Astronomer, 1973 The Giant Planets: a First Book, 1974 The Asteroids: a First Book, 1975 Viruses: a First Book, 1976, revised edition 1982 Lumps, Bumps and Rashes: a Look at Kids' Diseases: a First Book, 1976 Clear Skin, Healthy Skin: A Concise Guide, 1976 Fractures, Dislocations and Sprains: a First Book, 1978 Hormones: an Impact Book, 1979 Menstruation: a First Book, 1980 Your Immune System: a First Book, 1982 Herpes: an Impact Book, 1985 AIDS: an Impact Book, 1986 Short Story Collections: Tiger by the Tail and Other Stories, 1960 (published in England as Beyond Infinity, 1964) The Counterfeit Man and Other Science Fiction Stories, 1963 Psi High and Others, 1967 Rx for Tomorrow: Tales of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Medicine, 1971 Columnist/contributing editor 1976-, "Family Doctor" Good Housekeeping; numerous stories: Argosy, Astounding, Better Homes and Gardens, Boys Life, Playboy, Saturday Evening Post, various medical journals; B.S. 1951 Rutgers University; M.D. 1955 University of Pennsylvania; Intern 1955-56 Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle; freelance writer 1956-58 North Bend WA; partner 1958-64 North Bend Medical Clinic; freelance writer 1964-; Member: AMA, SFWA (president 1968-69), Washington State Medical Society, King County Medical Society, Alpha Kappa Alpha; Junior Book Award from Boys Club of America, 1963, for Raiders from the Ring; Washington State Governor's Award 1966 and 1974 from Governor's Festivalof the Arts; U.S. Navy Hospital Corps 1946-48 Kate Novak: Fantasy games-related author; Locus/Contento lists: Short Fiction: * {to be done} Books: * Forgotten Realms: Azure Bonds (co-author Jeff Grubb) [TSR, 1988; Penguin, Mar 1989] 0-14-012130-7, ú3.99, 380pp, hardcover, Clyde Caldwell cover art * Forgotten Realms: Masquerades (co-author Jeff Grubb) [TSR, July 1995] ISBN 0-7869-0152-7, $5.99, 376pp, trade paperback, #10 of "The Harpers" subseries of Forgotten Realms series of novelizations; Copyrighted by TSR * Forgotten Realms: Song of the Saurials (co-author Jeff Grubb) [TSR, Mar 1991] ISBN 1-56076-060-5, $4.95, 315pp, trade paperback, Clyde Caldwell cover art, #3 of "Finder's Stone Trilogy" [Penguin, Sep 1991] ISBN 0-14-015966-5, ú4.50, 315pp, paperback, Clyde Caldwell cover art * Forgotten Realms: The Wyvern's Spur (co-author Jeff Grubb) [TSR, Mar 1990] ISBN 0-88038-902-8, $4.95, 313pp, trade paperback, Clyde Caldwell cover art, #2 "The Finder's Stone Trilogy" [Penguin, Sep 1990] ISBN 0-14-014365-3, ú3.99, 313pp, paperback, Clyde Caldwell cover art Patrick Duffy Novak: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Patricia Duffy Novak e-mail Patrick Duffy Novak corrected e-mail Patrick Duffy Novak error Novel: a literary work of some length which has something wrong with it The Novel Magazine: British pulp (April 1905-Dec 1937) 393 issues total see: MAGAZINES/NEWSLETTERS Novelizations: {to be done} see: (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, pp.696-697) Now You See It, Now You Don't: Fantasy movie [1972] {film hotlink to be done}, see also The Shaggy Dog [1959] {film hotlink to be done} Julie A. Nowak: nothing on the Web? Philip Francis Nowlan (1888-1940): best known for creating Buck Rogers Books: * Armageddon 2419 A.D. [Avalon, 1962; Ace] * The Pop-Up Buck Rogers (see co-author Dick Calkins) Short Fiction: * {to be done} Alfred Noyes (1880-1958): Britsih poet and professor, long-resident in USA {to be done} (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.698) Ralph Noyes: Locus/Contento lists: * A Secret Property [Quartet, 1985] ISBN 0-7043-2486-5, $13.95 in USA, 186pp, hardcover Science Fiction alien invasion Return to Authors N Table of Contents Return to AUTHORS Table of Contents

Authors Beginning "Nu..."

Charles Nuetzel, also wrote as Albert Augustus, Jr.: * Images of Tomorrow [Pow, 1969] * Swordman of Vistar [Pow, 1969] * Last Call for the Stars [Lennox Hill, 1970] * The Slaves of Lomooro [Pow, 1969] as Albert Augustus, Jr. * the "Torlo Hannis" series * Warriors of Noomas [Pow, 1969] * Raiders of Noomas [Pow, 1969] James Nugent: Locus/Contento lists: * The Brass Halo [Critic's Choice , Aug 1987] ISBN 1-55547-183-8, $3.95, 346pp, paperback Horror/Occult, 1st of "The Talisman" series Number of the Beast: 666, see "Numerology" Numerology: {to be done} Claude Nunes: * Inherit the Earth [Ace, 1966] * Recoil [Ace, 1971] co-author R. Nunes Rachel Nunes: Rachel Nunes Nursery Rhymes: see "Mother Goose", "Nonsense" Philip Nutman (1963-): Philip Nutman @ Dragon*Con author/screenwriter/film journalist/marketing director/TV production assistant ... England-born: Locus/Contento lists: * Wet Work [Jove, June 1993] ISBN 0-515-11115-5, $4.99, 262pp, paperback Horror, world dominated by Zombies, expanded from Philip Nutman's short story in "Book of the Dead" anthology Charles Nutt: actual name, see pseudonym Charles Beaumont The Nutty Professor: SF/comedy film [1963] loosely based on "Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and successfully remade in 1997 by Eddie Murphy {film hotlinks to be done} Return to Authors N Table of Contents Return to AUTHORS Table of Contents

Authors Beginning "Ny..."

Bjorn Nyberg, full name Bjorn Emil Oscar Nyberg (1929-): Locus/Contento lists: * Conan the Avenger (co-authors L. Sprague de Camp, Robert E. Howard) See Robert E. Howard * Conan the Swordsman (co-authors Robert E. Howard, Lin Carter, L. Sprague de Camp) See Robert E. Howard Christian Nyby, film director, died 1993 age 80, best known to science fiction audience as director of the first feature film of "The Thing" Go to Ultimate SF Film Web Guide Nyctalops: see MAGAZINES/NEWSLETTERS Harold G. Nye, pseudonym of Leo Harding Jody Lynn Nye (1957-): Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America; according to Locus/Contento, isfdb, other sources: Novels: * Taylor's Ark [Ace, Feb 1993] ISBN 0-441-79974-4, $4.99, 279pp, paperback Peter Peebles cover, Science Fiction Thriller/Medical Dr. Shana Taylor + vaccine-synthesizing dog fight galactic epidemic [Ace, Dec 1997] ISBN 0-441-79974-4, $5.99, 279pp, paperback * Treaty at Doona (co-author Anne McCaffrey) [Orbit Books, 1994] ISBN 1-85723-184-8, ú4.99, paperback [Ace, 1994] ISBN 0-441-00089-4, $5.99, paperback * Medicine Show [Ace, Aug 1994] ISBN 0-441-00085-1, $4.99, paperback, 261pp, Peter Peebles cover, Science Fiction Thriller/Medical sequel to "Taylor's Ark" * The Death of Sleep (co-author Anne McCaffrey) [Science Fiction Book Club #17472, 1990] $6.98, hardcover [Baen, 1990] 0-671-69884-2, $4.95, paperback [Orbit, 1991] ISBN 0-356-20308-5, ú13.95, hardcover [Orbit, 1992] ISBN 1-85723-005-1, ú4.99, paperback [Orbit, 1995] ISBN 1-85723-005-1, ú5.99, paperback * Crisis on Doona (co-author Anne McCaffrey) [Ace, 1992] ISBN 0-441-23194-2, $4.99, paperback [Science Fiction Book Club #19654, 1992] $8.98, hardcover [Orbit, 1993] ISBN 1-85723-129-5, ú4.99, paperback * The Ship Who Won (co-author Anne McCaffrey) [Baen, 1994] ISBN 0-671-87595-7, $21.00, hardcover [Science Fiction Book Club #03563, 1994] $7.98, hardcover [Baen, 1995] ISBN 0-671-87657-0, $5.99, paperback [Orbit, 1995] ISBN 1-85723-315-8, ú15.99, hardcover [Orbit, 1995] ISBN 1-85723-360-3, ú5.99, paperback * The Ship Errant [Baen, 1996] ISBN 0-671-87754-2, $21.00, hardcover Stephen Hickman cover, sequel to "The Ship Who Won" Copyrighted by Bill Fawcett & Associates [Baen, Dec 1997] ISBN 0-671-87854-9, $6.99, 401pp, paperback * Waking in Dreamland [Baen, 1998] ISBN 0-671-87875-1, $5.99, paperback * The Planet Pirates (co-authors Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Moon) [Baen, 1993] ISBN 0-671-72187-9, $12.00, trade paperback Omnibus edition * the "Mythology" Fantasy/Humor trilogy: * Mythology 101 [Popular Library Questar, Feb 1990] ISBN 0-445-21021-4, $4.95, 264pp, paperback, Don Maitz cover, Fantasy/Humor Elves live in university library * Mythology Abroad [Warner Questar, Feb 1991] ISBN 0-446-36119-4, $4.50, 264pp, paperback, sequel to "Mythology 101" * Higher Mythology [Warner Questar, Jan 1993] ISBN 0-446-36335-9, $4.99, 266pp, paperback, Don Puckey cover art * The Magic Touch [Warner Aspect, June 1996] ISBN 0-446-60210-8, $5.99, 292pp, paperback, Don Maitz cover art, Contemporary Fantasy African-American youth avoids gangs by joining Fairy Godmothers Union * Piers Anthony's Visual Guide to Xanth (see co-author Piers Anthony) * The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern (co-author Anne McCaffrey) [Ballantine Del Rey, Nov 1989] ISBN 0-345-35424-9, $19.95, 178pp, hardcover nonfiction/reference to Anne McCaffrey's "Pern" bestsellers; Packaged/copyrighted by Bill Fawcett & Associates. [Science Fiction Book Club #56737, Jan 1990], $10.98, hardcover [Ballantine Del Rey, Dec 1992] ISBN 0-345-37946-2, $12.95, 178pp, trade paperback, Holly Johnson cover art [Ballantine Del Rey, Mar 1997] ISBN 0-345-41274-5, $15.00, 178pp, trade paperback, Todd Cameron Hamilton cover art * The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern: Second Edition (co-author Anne McCaffrey) [Ballantine Del Rey, Mar 1997] ISBN 0-345-41274-5, $15.00, 260pp, trade paperback, Todd Cameron Hamilton cover art, Revised/Expanded from [Del Rey, 1989]; Packaged/copyrighted by Bill Fawcett & Associates Anthologies Edited: * Don't Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear [Baen, July 1996] ISBN 0-671-87732-1 $5.99, 306pp, paperback, David Mattingly cover art, Original anthology 19 stories, theme: "mothers in space", new George Alec Effinger's "Maureen Birnbaum" story + Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Moon, Esther M. Friesner, others Short Fiction: * "Lab Rats" [1988] * "The Fleet: Counterattack" (co-authors David Drake, Bill Fawcett) [Ace, 1988] ISBN 0-441-24087-9, $3.95, paperback * "Bolthole" [1988] * "The Fleet" (co-authors David Drake, Bill Fawcett) [Ace, 1988] ISBN 0-441-24086-0, $3.50, paperback * "Looking Forward: Excerpt from Higher Mythology" [Amazing, Dec 1992] * "Looking Forward: Excerpt from Crisis on Doona" [Amazing, Feb 1992] * "The Father of His Country" [Alternate Presidents, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor, 1992] hardcover * "Way Out" [More Whatdunits, ed. Mike Resnick, DAW, 1993,] ISBN 0-88677-557-4, $4.99 ($5.99 Canada), paperback * "If the King Like Not the Comedy" [Quest to Riverworld, ed. Philip Jose Farmer, Warner Questar, 1993] ISBN 0-446-36270-0, $5.50, paperback * "The White Child" [Michael Moorcock's Elric: Tales of the White Wolf, eds. Edward E. Kramer, Richard Gilliam, White Wolf, 1994] ISBN 1-56504-175-5, $19.99, hardcover ISBN 1-56504-174-7, $5.99, paperback * "Psychic Bats 1000 For Accuracy!" [Alien Pregnant By Elvis, eds. Esther M. Friesner, Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994] ISBN 0-88677-610-4, $5.99, paperback * "Theme Music Man" [Superheroes, eds. John Varley, Ricia Mainhardt, Ace Books, 1995] ISBN 0-441-00137-8, $12.00, trade paperback * "Sword Practice" [Excalibur, eds. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg, Edward E. Kramer, Warner Aspect, 1995] ISBN 0-446-67084-7, $14.99, trade paperback * "The Growling" [Chicks in Chainmail, ed. Esther M. Friesner, Baen, 1995] ISBN 0-671-87682-1, $5.99, paperback * "Sunflower" [Lammas Night, eds. Mercedes Lackey, Josepha Sherman, Baen, 1996] ISBN 0-671-87713-5, $5.99, paperback * "Souvenirs and Photographs" [Future Net, eds. Martin H. Greenberg, Larry Segriff, DAW, 1996] ISBN 0-88677-723-2, $5.99 ($6.99 Can), paperback * "Sidhe Who Must Be Obeyed" [The Many Faces of Fantasy, ed. Richard Gilliam, [World Fantasy Convention, 1996] trade paperback * "Calling Them Home" [Space Opera, eds. Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, DAW, 1996] ISBN 0-88677-714-3, $5.99, paperback * "The Bridge Over the River Styx" [Dante's Disciples, eds. Peter Crowther, Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf, 1996] ISBN 1-56504-907-1, $14.99, trade paperback * "The Dancing Ring" [Elf Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1997] ISBN 0-88677-736-4, $5.99 e-mail Jody Lynn Nye Nicholas Nye: Locus/Contento lists: * Return to the Lost World [Self Publishing Association, Oct 1991] ISBN 1-85421-110-2, ú13.95, 256pp, hardcover Science Fiction/Adventure sequel to "The Lost World" by Arthur Conan Doyle Robert Nye (1939-): award-winning British poet/novelist, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature; winner of The Guradian Fiction Prize; winner of the Hawthornden Prize; mostly a historical novelist but with some fantasy content: * Beowulf [Hamish Hamilton, 1983; Beaver, Nov 1988] ISBN 0-09-941930-0, ú1.99, 103pp, paperback Young Adult Fantasy * Falstaff [1976] * The Life and Death of My Lord Gilles de rais [1990] * Merlin [1978] King Arthur * Faust [1980] see "Faust" (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.698) and Locus/Contento Erik S. Nylund (1964-): Erik S. Born in Los Angeles; B.S., chemistry; M.S., Chemical Physics; at Clarion West Writers Workshop, met his fiancée, Syne Mitchell Novels: * Pawn's Dream [AvoNova, May 1995] ISBN 0-380-77887-4, $4.99, 345pp, paperback, Eric Peterson cover, Fantasy mini-mart night clerk's dreams that he's a monk in a world of magic begin to impinge on his waking world [London: Hodder & Stoughton, Feb 1996] ISBN 0-340-66707-9, ú16.99, 345pp, hardcover, Mick Van Houten cover art [New English Library, July 1996] ISBN 0-340-64948-8, ú5.99, 345pp, paperback * A Game of Universe [AvoNova, Jan 1997] ISBN 0-380-78541-2, $5.50, paperback, 355pp, Eric Peterson cover, Fantasy: corporate assassin gambles with his soul [New English Library, Feb 1997] ISBN 0-340-64949-6, ú5.99, paperback, 378pp, Mick Van Houten cover * Dry Water [Avon, Feb 1997] ISBN 0-380-97474-6, $23.00, hardcover Donato Giancola cover art, Fantasy: necromancer + witch + psychic Science Fiction writer in New Mexico alternate history struggle [Avon, 1997] ISBN 0-380-78542-0, $12.50, trade paperback [Science Fiction Book Club #15599, 1997] $10.98, hardcover * Signal to Noise [Avon Eos, 1998] ISBN 0-380-97513-0, $23.00, hardcover Short Fiction: * {to be done} e-mail Erik S. Nylund Gregory G. Nyman: isfdb lists: * "To Sweeten the Kitty" [Aberrations, Jan 1994] * "Secret Deep" [Cyber-Psychos AOD, no.5, ed. Jasmine Sailing, 1994] $4.00 (US), $5.00 (International) Nyoka the Jungle Girl: see "Tarzan" Return to Authors N Table of Contents Return to AUTHORS Table of Contents

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